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Selling 1.5ft cube tank with sump and live stock, tiny fresh water palludarium $200 for all, no seperate sales.

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It's a very sad sale for me.

So I resumed this hobby after several years if hiatus and enjoyed it for about a year. 
However, my work got too busy and while I went for a long business trip, I left it to my housemate to take care, which turned out a disaster and tank was in a MESS after coming home.
My self neglection of skipping WC and some equipment failure during my trip, which my housemate had no idea how to deal with causing a minor crash. 

I cleaned the algae for now and removed everything except bubble algae. 
Just as I was about to rebuild it, I got another long business trip from 1st may, and I decided that I can't maintain this hobby in the current situation.

The photos are taken today. The condition of the coral is not the best, but ain't the worst.

I don't have time to deal with each one individually, so I'm looking for someone who will buy them all together. 
I would be happy if someone could take care of them in a good environment.
Please arrange your own career and container 
tank must go by end of the month. 

Tank 1. 








45cmx45cmx45cm with sump, cabinet maintained in prestine condition, no rusty hinge.
Jebao Wave Pump
SOW-4 on side
ELW-5 on rear 

A+ A7-2 LED(Chinese Kessil knock off, very good quality light) 
Kamoer ATO
Hailea HS-28A
Kamoer single head doser with AFR
Bout 10kg of DD H2Ocean salt

live stock, some snails, 1 blackstom clownfish and 3kukenthali shrimp(peppermint shrimp)



Freshwater waterall palludarium with betta
1.Plants are half dead, very nice scape with a water fall, there's 1 tiny betta in it. 
Can keep the hardscape and re-plant the greens on your own to make a stunning palludarium



Acrylic Betta tank
1. easy to maintain, 1x a week 100% WC with dechlorinated water , will provide 2 container so just swap fish from one to another. 



Edited by Reffholekks
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