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Week of 13th Sept 2004 - 19th Sept 2004

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Hi Tineng.....No la.....lunch time.....eat snake.....and was nearby.....so......

Can....no problem....just gimme a ring lor....actually nothing much la.....just move my corals here and there....hahaha :lol: .....but I recently got a craze into clams after I bought a giant Squamosa......I got myself a tear drop clam just now....later going over to pick up....probably chose another piece......... kekeke...been searching for tear drop for a very long time liao.......previously I heard tear drop is a 3 figure amount!!!! :fear: ......

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1) Sailfin

2) Percula clowns

3) palette/ regal tangs

4) chromis

5) coral beauties

6) majestic angels (juv)

7) sea cukes

and forgot liao... :P

Corals & Others

1) Metallic Yumas

2) Blastos

3) Big Squamosas

4) Elegance

5) Zoanthids

6) Pratas

7) leathers and toadstools

I-Aquarium :

1) Anthias

2) palette tangs

3) scopas tangs


1) pratas

2) frog and octospawn

3) torch

4) green cynarinas

and forgot liao... :P

Ah Beng's :

Fishes :

1) yellow tangs

2) ago-go aka sweetlips

3) lions

4) sea slugs


1) seafans

2) leathers

3) dicosoma mushrooms

4) zoanthids

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