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Week of 13th Sept 2004 - 19th Sept 2004

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Iwarna got some huge clams (6-7").....I think its Squamosa......kekeke.....got myself one...... :lol:

Lots of brains and SPS as well........

Was there yesterday afternoon...... ;)

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  • SRC Member
Wow....so nice!!!........Liao Cho!!!! I was there yesterday.....but didnt walk over to reefworld.....sigh!...wasted manz.....!!!! <_<

these stuff keep coming...

bought this piece from wakai and there were even blue and purple ones.

sum1 updated there were blue zoos there last week if i remember correctly ;)

i-aqurium mite be bringing the blue ones again

will update u guys if i see more :)

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  • SRC Member
Wow....so nice!!!........Liao Cho!!!! I was there yesterday.....but didnt walk over to reefworld.....sigh!...wasted manz.....!!!! <_<

Me too. I walked over but did not look closely at the zoo because so far always see green and brown ones. Slapping myself now!!

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beside irwana... it looks like this

there were a couple of pieces on sunday morning.

i hope there is some more left ;)

Hmm tthose not really the true reddish kind... I have 3 colonies of these, always buy as red but after some time in tank, always turned brown...... <_<<_<<_<

This is the true version.... :lol::lol::lol:


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these stuff keep coming...

bought this piece from wakai and there were even blue and purple ones.

sum1 updated there were blue zoos there last week if i remember correctly ;)

i-aqurium mite be bringing the blue ones again

will update u guys if i see more :)

You sure its blue one...... what light are they in.... Eh dark blue or the light blue kind???

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if anyone is going reborn, pls help me to check out the prata there. they have them in a tank near the office (i think) door. the pratas at the left side of the tank are all flourescent green but got one at the right side of tank that looks dark green to blue colour. is this piece a brown prata or some other colour? i took it out but still could not make out its true colour...

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ML Hawaiian Shipment

1 LARGE Black Tang

1 Achilles Tang (4-5inches with a nice tear-drop)

1 Chevron Tang (rather big for my liking)

8 Bartletts

Several Kole Tangs (medium to large)

Several Flame Angels (very nice sizes!!)

Many Yellow Tangs

2-4 Potters Angels

Dwarf Hermit Crabs

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-blue knuckle hermits

-dwarf zebra hermits

-hector gobies

-I saw my dream goby! But can't give it a good home now, decided to pass

-sri lankan scooters

-thorny oysters and scallops

-urocaridella shrimps

-periclemenes shrimps (including heliofungia shrimps)

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
-I saw my dream goby! But can't give it a good home now, decided to pass

Haha....same problem...anyway Henry said he will inform me when he gets more the next shipment :P

Intelligent people talk about ideas......

Average people talk about things......

Small people talk about other people......

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