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Decom - RSR 170


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  • SRC Member

With a heavy heart due to some changes in plan. I have to decom my Redsea Reefer 170.

Will clear my items in 2 stages.

Stage 1 -  Livestock, Stage 2 - Tank & Equipment

For fishes, prefer to find someone with a established mature tank for them.

Stage 1:

1) Large size Elegance : $68

With me for more than 4 years from 1 mouth to at least 5 mouth.

2) Large pcs of GSP on wall: $15

3)XL size green Kenya: $68

4)Lumi green torch 2 heads (Splitting to more): $50

5)Large size FF: $15

6)Large size cabbage: $35

7)XL size lumi green toadstool: $80 (sorry for the pic. shedding at the moment so unable to take a proper pic)

8)Dragon soul favia: $50 (From 7 heads to many many heads)

9)Blue tang: $50 (with me for 7 mths. bought as a baby)

10)Yellow Eye Tang:  $45 (with me for 1 year 7 mths, bought as a baby)

11)Cleaner Shrimp: $18

12)Bali Slimmer: $35

Collection will be at Canberra






Green torch.jpg





Bali Slimmer.jpg

Edited by KJH
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  • SRC Member


Thanks for all the enquiries.

Just an update

1) Large size Elegance : $68

With me for more than 4 years from 1 mouth to at least 5 mouth.

2) Large pcs of GSP on wall: $15 SOLD

3)XL size green Kenya: $68

4)Lumi green torch 2 heads (Splitting to more): $50

5)Large size FF: $15 SOLD

6)Large size cabbage: $35

7)XL size lumi green toadstool: $80 (sorry for the pic. shedding at the moment so unable to take a proper pic)

8)Dragon soul favia: $50 (From 7 heads to many many heads) SOLD

9)Blue tang: $50 (with me for 7 mths. bought as a baby)

10)Yellow Eye Tang:  $45 (with me for 1 year 7 mths, bought as a baby)

11)Cleaner Shrimp: $18 SOLD

12)Bali Slimmer: $35

13)Assorted Zoa: $25 SOLD

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An update on what left and drop in price.

1) Large size Elegance : $68 $50

With me for more than 4 years from 1 mouth to at least 5 mouth.

2) Large pcs of GSP on wall: $15 SOLD

3)XL size green Kenya: $68 $50

4)Lumi green torch 2 heads (Splitting to more): $50 $40

5)Large size FF: $15 SOLD

6)Large size cabbage: $35 $25

7)XL size lumi green toadstool: $80 $60

8)Dragon soul favia: $50 (From 7 heads to many many heads) SOLD

9)Blue tang: $50 (with me for 7 mths. bought as a baby) $40

10)Yellow Eye Tang:  $45 (with me for 1 year 7 mths, bought as a baby) $25

11)Cleaner Shrimp: $18 SOLD

12)Bali Slimmer: $35 SOLD

13)Assorted Zoa: $25 SOLD

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Updates and further reduction of price.

Have some baby toadstools on my rockscape. All purchase will throw in either a baby toadstool or a small FF frag FOC.

1) Large size Elegance : $68 $40

With me for more than 4 years from 1 mouth to at least 5 mouth.

2) Large pcs of GSP on wall: $15 SOLD

3)XL size green Kenya: $68 $40

4)Lumi green torch 2 heads (Splitting to more): $50 $35

5)Large size FF: $15 SOLD

6)Large size cabbage: $35 $20

7)XL size lumi green toadstool: $80 $50

8)Dragon soul favia: $50 (From 7 heads to many many heads) SOLD

9)Blue tang: $50 (with me for 7 mths. bought as a baby) $38

10)Yellow Eye Tang:  $45 (with me for 1 year 7 mths, bought as a baby) SOLD

11)Cleaner Shrimp: $18 SOLD

12)Bali Slimmer: $35 SOLD

13)Assorted Zoa: $25 SOLD

14)True Rasta Zoa: $15

15)Weeping Willow: $80

Collection at Canberra

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Stage 2 - Sale of Equipment and Tank

Reefer 170 (Marble color Cabinet): $100 - no water leak. Tank have some scratches, Cabinet have some wear and tear (not for fussy buyers)

Hailea HK 300A: $380 

SICCE Syncra Silent 2.0 x 2: $70 each (i got 2 cause 1 is used as back up)

Ecotech Marine Radion XR15 G5 Pro(with Single Arm RMS Kit): $550

Bubble Magus Curve 5 Protein Skimmer: $120

Sine Wave Pump - SLW 20: $50 (Will throw in the guard foc)

Total: $1340. Buy everything at $988 nett.

Collection will be in 2-3 weeks time at Canberra. 

All items listed are in good working condition. 

Interested, pls pm me thanks!

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Decom Remaining Items for Sale or Reserved

1)Reefer 170: Reserved

2)Blue Tang: Reserved

3)Hailea HK 300A: $350

4)SICCE Syncra Silent 2.0 x 2: $60 each (Buy both at $110)

5)Ecotech Marine Radion XR15 G5 Pro (With Single Arm RMS Kit): $500

6)Bubble Magus Curve 5 Protein Skimmer: $100

7)Tunze Care Magnet Long: $20

8)Scape made with macro rocks for 2 Ft tank: $100. (Bought previously from Lorenzo at $330)

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Decom Remaining Items for Sale or Reserved

Further drop in price to clear ASAP.

1)Reefer 170: Reserved

2)Blue Tang: Reserved

3)Hailea HK 300A: $300

4)SICCE Syncra Silent 2.0 x 2: $60 each (Buy both at $100)

5)Ecotech Marine Radion XR15 G5 Pro (With Single Arm RMS Kit): $450

6)Bubble Magus Curve 5 Protein Skimmer: $80

7)Tunze Care Magnet Long: $20

8)Scape made with DD rocks for 2 Ft tank: $100. (Bought previously from Lorenzo at $330)

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