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Radiion xr30 pro light questions


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I just bought a used xr30 g4 pro light for $300 without mount arm from a reefer at this forum one weeks ago he told me he just sold one xr30 pro light same as this only left the last set i noticed this seller also selling two radion xr15 and ATI T5 light as well ....


I just turn it on the next day to log in to mobius app everything seems to be ok on that day and then I just leave it there for a few days I didn't used it at all till today morning I turned it on again for another look at first it on and working normally but after around 10min later suddenly all led lights turned off no matter how I try to unplugged it and on and off again it still can't turned on again but the main power light still glitter on blue and red  the fan still on only the led light can't turn on again ....( I will never buy the used radion light again hahahaha )

When I call the seller he said when I first tested for you everything is working he said i sell you this light so cheap and i can't do anything sorry ....actually I didn't blame nobody its just my bad luck for this xr30 pro light hahaha anyone got any idea or advise what going on with the light?



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Does anybody know this used  radion xr30 pro light power supply DC OUTPUT is it the original radion AC ADAPTOR or the 3rd party product ? and the dc output is 36v = 5.55A correct or wrong?  


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Does anybody know this used  radion xr30 pro light power supply DC OUTPUT is it the original radion AC ADAPTOR or the 3rd party product ? and the dc output is 36v = 5.55A correct or wrong?  

Hi, my advice is bring down to Reef Depot to let Patrick check first. Recently I just brought my Radion xr15 to let him check. He is honest and don’t anyhow charge. Initially he thought the adaptor spoilt and told me the replacement is $20 but few hours later he msg me and told me it’s the violet led issue. He off the violet colour in the setting and he didn’t charge me a single cent even he settle my light without any replacement parts.

Address: 569880
they shifted to #04-50.
Contact: 64510209

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12 hours ago, shalom777 said:

Hi, my advice is bring down to Reef Depot to let Patrick check first. Recently I just brought my Radion xr15 to let him check. He is honest and don’t anyhow charge. Initially he thought the adaptor spoilt and told me the replacement is $20 but few hours later he msg me and told me it’s the violet led issue. He off the violet colour in the setting and he didn’t charge me a single cent even he settle my light without any replacement parts.

Address: 569880
they shifted to #04-50.
Contact: 64510209

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh yes man i can recall now .... I remember when I first visited the seller house he showed me the led lights with fully 100% led bulbs on it was looks super bright and shine it looks fine but it was too bright I can't even get closer to look at it yes he did show me the features like disco and quick demo all led bulb in 100% max it really too bright can't look at the bulb too close....and this seller just keep telling me the fan was working well and good ....

When I go home the next day I tested the light one by one when I go to the individual demo light almost every led bulb was looking good until the violet led bulb i noticed one of the violet led bulb was not working totally off and not yet ....I just wait awhile longer all the violet led bulbs started to flickering it feels not quite stable but just once awhile only mostly it looks ok ... but if all led bulb are on at the same time it looks fine only if i do the individual demo led bulb then I can see the difference....I thought it was just a minor defect then I just leave it until the few days later it was yesterday i turned on the light again but after around 10min times the led bulbs totally off and never be shine again....

I have learned a lesson whenever you wanted to buy a used radion or whatever brand led lightset make sure you do a individual led light bulb test before you make any purchase and better adjust the bulb lower to 40% even lower than 40% so that you can clearly see the true side of the led bulb .... do not make the same mistake as me 

Nobody can force you to buy the defect item you got your rights to test everything you want before making purchase otherwise you can just pass it and walk away nothing to be ashamed and  no obligation at all....

Anyway thanks for your advice Shalom 777 

Life goes on .... have a nice day everyone 

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Thanks for Patrick for helping me to settle the xr30 g4 pro light now the radion light already power on fan and others features all working but the main issue is the uv led bulb need to be set to 0 intensity means you cannot use the uv bulb anymore others led bulbs still can use at normal 

I'm using only Bluetooth mobius app without reeflink this light now still  can use for normal lps coral or fish only tank this light was bought at $300 used item from the reefer who posted here last week ago the accessories come with the diffuser and  light slide and all cables without any mount arm selling at 50% off $150 

Also thanks for all kaki here for the advice 








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= NOTE =

Price is  $150 firm non negotiable with some accessories refer to above post 

Buyer please read for the details i can only test the set as long as its on fan is working got light no further testing then Buyer go home need to create new member to log in to the mobius app using Bluetooth and need to do a full system reset again and some system update cause I already deleted my account can't test the lightning for you anymore buyer can refer to reefdepot look for Patrick i went yesterday he was helping me to settle the light ( see more detail above post ) buyer can go further to him asking for help please come to view it if ok just take and go if not no obligation at all haha ....


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Finally i have changed my mind decided to use this defect radion xr30 g4 pro light for my quarantine tank or refugium tank whatever thanks for all the requests....

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