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Tubeworms Or Feather Duster..

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wow hehe yeah cowfishes is very aggresive.. i heard that too.. i think the only fishes i can put in is damsels or clownfishes now for this tank..

after your spanking i think the cowfishes is a good boy now.. hehe

Nah coww are not aggressive.... maybe to only your tube worms

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you just leave them onto the sandbed. They are able to reproduce their tubes by themselves again over time. (they would cover their body with sand and somehow after a period, the tube appear again)

ya.. mine was hiding between the LR and sandbed.. after 3 days when i rescape ..the worm actually glued itself to the rock and bits of new tube showing :D

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  • SRC Member

wow so just leave the tubeworm the place where u want it to be and they just make themselves stick rite and if they look their protection tube the produce again.. wow

anyway the white thing it secretes when we touch it is calcium carbonate rite??

good for the tank??

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