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My Mushrooms!!


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ARGH!!! :cry2:

The mushroom colony i bought is behaving strangely after one week.

A few of them suddenly decided to detach themselves and drop onto the sand! :erm:

Is there a concern for that? Hope its normal man... :unsure:

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ARGH!!! :cry2:

The mushroom colony i bought is behaving strangely after one week.

A few of them suddenly decided to detach themselves and drop onto the sand! :erm:

Is there a concern for that? Hope its normal man... :unsure:

Have you check your water parameters, current & lightings.

Mushrooms detaching from the LR usually means that the conditions aren't good. If you don't look into this issues, you will not see any of them after sometime. ;)

Generally mushroom needs clean water with gentle current. Most mushroom prefers indirect lights but Ricordia prefers strong lighting. :D

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The water parameters seemed fine when i tested it. Sanity, Ph and NO3... :erm:

I placed the mushrooms near a direct current, a place where it gets lotsa light. Man... its freakin me out, a few start to 'leave' their home again... :cry:

But had relocated it to a more shady and less water flow location in the tank.

But will it be good if i place the rock on the sand instead? They got no where to drop to mah. haha :rolleyes:

I scared they drop and swept str8 into teh anemone ah... scary...

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They dont seemed to be peelin off now...

I placed them at the bottom half of the tank.

Those 'detached' ones are also starting to stick on the the more

shaded areas.... PHEW!!! :eyebrow:


Hey by the way, any of u guys tried and using nitrate remover?

Does it work? Where to put it? what kinds avaliable? How much? What brand... etc etc etc... :yeah:

""Hmmm maybe i should post this on a new thread?.."" :erm:

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