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Low light area turning white


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys, I notice 3 SPS colonies slowly turning white at areas where the light is very low esp. near the colony base. Is it a sign of STN? Other areas where light can be reached are ok. What can be done to remedy this or prevent farther spreading? Or is it ok to just leave it alone?

I also notice my KH dropped from 10dkh to 6dkh within 5days of my absence. There was No dosage of calcium except maybe my skimmer is doing too good a job cos I always see more foaming from my skimmer whenever I drip the reef builders. What are the possible causes for such a drastic drop in the KH?

Below is a pic of one of the healthy sps colony that started to have the base turning white but still having good growth at the tip.



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  • SRC Member

I encountered one of my colony STN at the base - due to too strong current flow after which I moved it to another spot and I observed the STN progress. It didnt get any better ... i have to use the super glue and now it is doing fine. I think it should be due to your low dKH.

1) Up your dKH and observed any sign of recovery.

2) If after 2 to 3 days still no improvement - use the superglue methods.. it will get worse if you dont do anything.

My 2 cents.

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  • SRC Member
I encountered one of my colony STN at the base - due to too strong current flow after which I moved it to another spot and I observed the STN progress. It didnt get any better ... i have to use the super glue and now it is doing fine. I think it should be due to your low dKH.

1) Up your dKH and observed any sign of recovery.

2) If after 2 to 3 days still no improvement - use the superglue methods.. it will get worse if you dont do anything.

My 2 cents.

The superglue method is it just applying superglue gel on the white area and let it dry? You do it underwater or you take out the colony and apply?


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