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hitchiker on LR : mantis

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  • SRC Member

for me i would frag the mushies.... make sure the mantis is inside the rock and boil the whole rock with the mantis inside :evil: then can reuse therock and wait for bacteria and algae to colonize again :D

but since u want the mantis alive u can frag the mushies like i suggested and u can have it alive but still in the rock.... :)

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thks bros.how much light does bubble needs


Bro... :off: off topic from the thread you started...

anyway....for LPS...minimum recommendation PL ....

I used to keep bubble corals with FL when I started....but was amazed how much it expands when I switched to MH

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slow day huh?.......................

actually, I prefer to mixed a lot of salt to achieve high salinity as 0-O2 has said....

get a huge syringe and squirtat the bugger....................

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  • SRC Member
slow day huh?.......................

actually, I prefer to mixed a lot of salt to achieve high salinity as 0-O2 has said....

get a huge syringe and squirtat the bugger....................

but that only work when u know that bugger staying in which LR..

but it wont work when u dont even know which LR it is in.. ;)

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  • SRC Member
true...in this case he probably know...if not...best solution....boil the rocks :lol:

u cant be boilling all the LR in the tank... unless u say it's a new tank setup...

sighz this is life... u got gd stuff and bad stuff...

I found one bugger in my tank too.. it's a small one.. stupid me should have took the LR out and away from the tank.. I almost got the bugger out of the LR when it when free and fall back into the water and swim dam fast away..

now I dont even know which LR it is in now... dam it...

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yup....boil a piece of rock is OK....

what I meant... :lol: boil all the LR is slightly better than throw the whole tank out lah...at least still can restart... :whistle

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yup....boil a piece of rock is OK....

what I meant... :lol: boil all the LR is slightly better than throw the whole tank out lah...at least still can restart... :whistle

Boiling LR? It will definitely create a stench in my kitchen. :sick::sick::sick:

The last time I have a Mantis, I remove the whole rock and start drilling all the crevices until that bugger jump out of the rock into the sink! :evil:

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hahaha.........I doubt you guys are going to seriously boil a LR to kill one mantis lah...if you know the guy is in THAT rock..take it out...pur some hot water in the crevices... leave the rock in a bucket with airstone to run a few days and change water every couple of days....... should be alright....

avoid putting the LR back in the tank immediately...the die off may cause an ammonia spike ;)

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  • SRC Member

must depend the mantis is a smasher or spearer....... most of the times, the mantis that is deep in our live rock are spearer and these creatures can deliver quite a cut on ur fingers.

those spearer mentioned in the RC about cutting a person's thumb are slightly bigger in size. around 12-15cm that kind....... and in actual there is only a case of thumb being slice off. the rest of the stories are just cuts..... but also can be quite bad lah......

therefore unless ur lr is those super big, housing those adult size spearer, ur fingers should be alright.

those smasher, cant really break the glass of aquarium. they do have the power and speed, but also unless they are of super sized...... even those 12-15cm dont have the strength to smash open those 50cm size turbo size shell.

they are not really that horrible creature....but to our reef system they are dangerous.

1 of the way to catch them is making them go unconscious. place the liferock in a container with salt water. place those stinking or rottening prawn. let it fowl the water...... within afew hours the whole water will be having super ammonia spike situation. those mantis shrimp will go unconcious but they will not die from this. next u can just use a plier to pull them out easily. after that wash ur life rock with clean salt water.....

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