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is it advisable to add lion fish..?

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hi, need your advice :thanks:

My 3 feet tank is about 3 months old now.

the ls i have are:

4 clowns

1 BT

1 YT

1 picasso trigger

2 snails

2 sebae

3 bulb anemones

1 starfish

sound very crowded hor. :P the fish are all ich free now and all feeding like pigs, including the anemones. Trigger is a good friend to the rest, no fighting except for the bigger clowns that always bully the smaller ones. that is why i have so many anemones, for the small ones to take refuge. the size of the fish range from 1 and a half to 3 inches. Most have been with me for one to two months. the last ones added were a sebae and a bulb anemone adopted two weeks back. but they are growing real fast too especially the BT.

I am contemplating over one last fish to add two months later and that is a lion fish. but a bit worry. should I? :ooh:

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Hi You better not.

My Dwarf Lion is about 1.5 inch long and the whole tail has been biten off.

I am suspecting the trigger fish is the culprit.

Now my Lion Fish is isolated in a net. Still Survivng but cannot swim.

Any suggestion on how to safe the Lion Fish.

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  • SRC Member

Maybe you may consider setting up a predator tank. Mainly fishes and inverts that feeds on live feeders like mollies. You can then add simple corals like mushrooms and leather fingers to beautify the tank abit here and there. Worth the try, can be quite spectacular watching the predators hunt their prey down.

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Maybe you may consider setting up a predator tank. Mainly fishes and inverts that feeds on live feeders like mollies. You can then add simple corals like mushrooms and leather fingers to beautify the tank abit here and there. Worth the try, can be quite spectacular watching the predators hunt their prey down.

thanks for the suggestion.

:off: regarding the SRC outing, sorry tentatively can't make it on that date.

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