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Week - 30th Aug to 5th Sep 2004

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AquaMarin Stock Report

Date of shipment : 3 Sept 2004

Time of shipment arriving : 6-7pm

Shipment List

Starfish Shrimps


###### Shrimps

Sally Lightfoots

Red Crabs

Scorpion Fish


Tile Fishes

Yellow Tangs

Yello Angels



Fire Shrimps

Anemonie Shrimp and Crabs

Stone Fishes

Flame Scallops

Ribbon Eels

Jaw Scallops

Leaf Fishes

Tomato Clowns

Japanese Swallows

True Anampses



Black Wrasses

Arcadia MH Lights (Newly Arrived)


Clearence Sales for all corals except Pratas. Price will got for $20 for all other kinds of corals!!

Remaining Hot Stocks In House

Rear Yasha Gobies ($25/piece)!!


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weishun what fish or shrimp is that? looks really nice!!!

According to Janet, its a starfish shrimp. It will be arriving today between 6-7pm. Those interested can add me to msn. Those interested in reservation service hehe... can add me through MSN Messanger.

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is it symbiotic, parasitic, etc?

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According to Janet, its a starfish shrimp. It will be arriving today between 6-7pm. Those interested can add me to msn. Those interested in reservation service hehe... can add me through MSN Messanger.

I have seen the emperor shrimp. It is red or orange in color. The shrimp you have shown is exactly the same as the emperor shrimp I have saw except for the color.

Anyway, you have any idea what will the price of the shrimp be like??

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I have seen the emperor shrimp. It is red or orange in color. The shrimp you have shown is except the same as the emperor shrimp I have saw except for the color.

Anyway, you have any idea what will the price of the shrimp be like??

Haha... this one ah... really got no idea leh... i think you must experiment for yourself leh.. then let me know the results hor... hahaha :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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u sure its symbiotic? cause i do not see how each can benefit each other

maybe someone can give more info :lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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It's a commensal shrimp. It lives on hosts like echinoderms, gorgonians without much benefit to the host. I've kept it before once but once I put it in my tank it simply vanished. It's less than 1cm long. The price should'nt be more than $8.

Always something more important than fish.


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Pasir Ris Iwarna culture SPS......Beautiful!!!Those interested can go dwn take a look. :lol: more interested in LPS.

The rest of the farm nothing much....usual stuff. :D:D

E Aq Plc has assorted LPS.....green candy cane,green bubbles,one white cateye,plates,gonipora(red),Lobo in green,red,hammer n cynarina....etc.

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LCK has lps shipment...

1) very nice bright green lobos

2) Blastos

3) nice specky green pratas, some with specks of red

4) elegance

5) frogspawn

6) cute red brains

7) clams

8) red and blue mushrooms

9) candy canes


Some assortment of fish..

1) very nice bristletooth... :yeah:

2) moorish idols

3) powder blues

4) yellow tangs

5) different types of triggers

6) eels

7) Very nice male AT


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Just came back from aqua marin, first time there.. very neat place..


Lots of sally light foot crabs

Harlequin shrimps

###### shrimp(very small)

Pistol shrimp

Rainfordi goby

Yashia goby

Wheeleri gobies

Shrimp gobies

small regal blue tangs



normal clown

percular clown

maroon clown

soldier fish

some unidentified anthias


TWIN spot gobies!! :yeah:

yellow tangs

one powder blue tang(small)

cleaner wrasse

alot cant rem, worth the trip down, gobies lover can go there, alot of different kind of gobies.



pearl bubbles


some SPS

frogspawn or octo cant really tell..

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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  • SRC Member
Just came back from aqua marin, first time there.. very neat place..


Lots of sally light foot crabs

Harlequin shrimps

###### shrimp(very small)

Pistol shrimp

Rainfordi goby

Yashia goby

Wheeleri gobies

Shrimp gobies

small regal blue tangs



normal clown

percular clown

maroon clown

soldier fish

some unidentified anthias


TWIN spot gobies!! :yeah:

yellow tangs

one powder blue tang(small)

cleaner wrasse

alot cant rem, worth the trip down, gobies lover can go there, alot of different kind of gobies.



pearl bubbles


some SPS

frogspawn or octo cant really tell..

u sure got pistol shrimp :unsure: thks

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lots of blastos :ooh:

white pumping xenia(pumping in the holding tanks :yeah: )



bluish green zoos :rolleyes:

red striped pratas.... think all gone(call n check 1st)

flame angel



ahbeng shop

2 red cynarinas :P

powder black aka white cheek(some1 was looking for this rite? ;) )

rest of usual stuff

any1 seen rose anemones ard? :upsidedown:

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Just got back from Henry's place ML.

Some new LR just arrived as i walked in. Very good quality. Hand picked! Too tempting, got one pc from him even though my tank is pretty full. heh!

For those setting up new tanks, there are a few big pieces. A little on the high side in terms of cost but to me definitely worth it!

Also saw

yellow tangs,

electic blue hermit crabs

chevron tangs (3+ inches)

orange shoulder tangs (4+ inches)

algae blennys (2 - 4+ inches)

PB Tang (2+ inches)

A.T. (1pc but sold)

True Pecula Clowns (1+ inch onwards)

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