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Finally caught this murderer


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  • SRC Member

After months of hunting, I finally caught this bugger (almost 2 and 1/2 inches).

It is response for the death of the following in my otherwise peaceful tank (only got angels):

- Royal Gamma

- Bi color benny

- Golden Head

- 2 Anthias


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  • SRC Member

I was lucky. This murderer is hiding in a rock near the top of my tank.

I saw it enter a hole and used a chopstick to block the hole. I took the rock out of my water and remove the chopstick on top of a pail. Out pop the mantis.

Finally, I can keep some rock and bottom dweller.

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I was lucky. This murderer is hiding in a rock near the top of my tank.

I saw it enter a hole and used a chopstick to block the hole. I took the rock out of my water and remove the chopstick on top of a pail. Out pop the mantis.

Finally, I can keep some rock and bottom dweller.

Congratulations bro! hopefully there's no more in your tank! :lol::lol::lol:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member
:ph34r: u know if i were u, i would not DARE touch the rock with the mantis in it... even with chopsticks over the hole! :pinch:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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  • SRC Member
After months of hunting, I finally caught this bugger (almost 2 and 1/2 inches).

It is response for the death of the following in my otherwise peaceful tank (only got angels):

- Royal Gamma

- Bi color benny

- Golden Head

- 2 Anthias

Congra too.

I also got the same incident when I thought that was a common shrimp.

Whenever, I feed my tank with frozen shrimp mix paste it swim out from one of the hole and get a bite and swim back very very fast.

Every night, I can hear clicking sound from the tank and didn't know until I read up more.

I guess I was thankful that I could spot it as well as know where it is hiding its locations.

It is very difficult to catch it based on my experience and the only way is to lift the rock out of the water and into into a pail and use a chop stick to poke it out.

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I myself have caught it before .. not sure what to do with it .. to let it die .. pity and sound really cruel. Lastly i just put inside my sump together with my micro algae .. not sure whether it is a good idea ..... :rolleyes:

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