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Decom 5ft tank (livestock)

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  • SRC Member

Decom my 5ft tank due to moving house. Livestocks as follow:

Sps- frag $10 -30, colony $40 -90

 1. Radioactive birdnest                     2. Pink amd green birdnest             3. Chilli pepper monti                       4. Lime green pocci                           5. Blue tip purple polyp aculeus         6. Bonzai valida                                   7. Optic fiber pocci                           8. Bali slimer                                     9. Miyagi tort                                     10. Acid millie                                     11. Cherry blossom                               12. Gold dragon                                 13. Green n pink tenuis

LPS ($20 to 90)

 1. Lumi green & red blasto                   2. Lumi green torch                             3. Honeycomb cyphastrea               4. Rainbow acan                               5. Red gonio                                       6. Orange lobo (very big)                   7. Lumi green open brain

Mushroom (many to choose from)

1. Eclectus jaw breaker mushroom  2. Original jaw breaker mushroom

Clam: 1 ×Giant size SHOWPIECE Deresa (about 10 inches !)


 3 x blue eyes anthias (2F1M)             1 x bangai cardinal                             4 x blue green chromis                     1 x yellow tail damsel                         1 x bimini tang                                     1 x powder brown tang

 Colln at loyang flora drive.

 Watsapp to 93364474 to deal. No low baller pls

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Upz... many corals available. 


Eclectus Jawbreakers going for $50


Original Jb at $100 (very nice mother)


Showpiece Deresa clam price reduced to $650. See to appreciate.



Watsapp 93364474.

Sorry if miss out yr warsapp bcos of too many texts

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Update and final clearance of corals:


Frags - $15 each

Bonzai valida/ bali slimer/ aculeus/ miyagi tort

Big colony - $30 each

Radioactive birdnest/ pink birdnest/ chilli pepper monti/ aculeus/ lime green pocci/ miyagi tort

Others $40 each - cherry blossom/ pink millie / fireworks 


Lumi green n red blasto (more than 10 heads)- $70

2 heads lumi green torch -$25

Red gonio - $35

Big orange lobo - $60

Honeycomb cyphastrea -$20

Rainbow acan -$40


Watsapp to 93364474

Colln at Loyang flora drive

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