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Resun FR Review


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pls comment on wad flowrate of pump u all using, and the brand of the pump. thanks.

Using FB1000 + Rowa. Driven by a Eheim Compact 300 with the flow selector on the '-' setting. If memory serves me, the flow rate should be 150 L/hr at this setting. On top of this, I added a flow control valve and it is closed about 1/4 to 1/2. I adjusted it so that the Rowa is moving very slowly.

Anyway, found this setting works well for me. PO4 from 5mg/L to non-detectable by my test kit in a few days.

Hope this helps.

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Using FB1000 + Rowa. Driven by a Eheim Compact 300 with the flow selector on the '-' setting. If memory serves me, the flow rate should be 150 L/hr at this setting. On top of this, I added a flow control valve and it is closed about 1/4 to 1/2. I adjusted it so that the Rowa is moving very slowly.

Anyway, found this setting works well for me. PO4 from 5mg/L to non-detectable by my test kit in a few days.

Hope this helps.


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Wat do you mean my skimmer stop skimming ? :blink:

IMHO, a relative change in water chemistry will somehow affect most skimmers' efficiency for a short period of time. observe this during feeding, dipping of hands into tank, etc. however, when u dose kH buffer (when need be), u will observe a reverse effect.

based on my own limited experience.

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IMHO, a relative change in water chemistry will somehow affect most skimmers' efficiency for a short period of time. observe this during feeding, dipping of hands into tank, etc. however, when u dose kH buffer (when need be), u will observe a reverse effect.

based on my own limited experience.

The reason is because the oils lower the surface tension of the water, which inhibits foaming.

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yup. u r right.

I also tend to agree that oil in the water cause the PS to stop skimming. I believe that oil was introduce by the FR. I noticed the FR to have a layer of oil on in when I open the box. However, I only wash with hot water. Don't dare to use soap. Hence, oil not 100% removed. It was only after a few weeks that I made the connection. All the while suspected it was my PS! Anyway, made a couple of massive water change over a couple of week and the situation is improving solwly.

Advice for new owners of Resun FR, clean it throughly before use!

Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be, be one.

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guys, how do u open e FR?

screw out or pull out?

bottom or top first?

e thing looks like it will leak anytime! better put into the sump!

Top or bottom cap also can screw out. But, very tight! I had to use a strip wrench to loosen the cover. There is a rubber ring on the inside of the cap to prevent leaks, but I a bit 'kiasu', also use teflon tape on the threads as an added precaution.

I guess the trick is to make sure the FR is not pressurised. Hence, the flow control valve should be situated on the inlet side of the FR.

So far so good, no leaks (touch wood!).

Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be, be one.

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after so much of reviews, can some kind soul post the pic of the FR.

Fyi, the Resun FBF is actually a Fluidized Bed Filter and with the addition of the "mod kit", it becomes a Fluidized Reactor.

Here is the link regarding the Resun FBF's review with pics and the "mod kit".



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i am using the resun fbf500 model. works well with rowaphos dancing with a small 600litre/hour atman powerhead. phosphate level is zero.

understand some people did some mods to the FR. what was it supposed to achieve ? seems like a lot of work.

as for me, i just pierced a toothpick across the bottom piece of sponge. in this way, the plastic water inlet tubing rests on the toothpick and thus allowing a better flow of water. if you don't do this, the rowas will accumulate at the bottom of the plastic tube and ultimately choke up the water flow.

since the "toothpick" mod works for me, thought i share it for the benefit of others who would like to try.

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  • SRC Member
i am using the resun fbf500 model. works well with rowaphos dancing with a small 600litre/hour atman powerhead. phosphate level is zero.

understand some people did some mods to the FR. what was it supposed to achieve ? seems like a lot of work.

as for me, i just pierced a toothpick across the bottom piece of sponge. in this way, the plastic water inlet tubing rests on the toothpick and thus allowing a better flow of water. if you don't do this, the rowas will accumulate at the bottom of the plastic tube and ultimately choke up the water flow.

since the "toothpick" mod works for me, thought i share it for the benefit of others who would like to try.

thats a great tip......will pierce my sponge as well.....but still no strength to take out e covers leh...... :sick:

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Creetin, if the rubber band method don't work, try to pour or dip the cover in quite warm water. i use the term "quite warm water" instead of boiling water for fear that it may crack the plastic. so do be careful.

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