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Powder Blue and Blue Tang for sale

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I'm selling the above two mentioned fishes...due to the fact that the Powder Blue is getting rather aggressive towards my Moorish Idol. my Moorish Idol has nice fin streamers but it always gets nipped by the PBT! bleah.

as for the Blue Tang. well. its rather big. so yah. :P


sizes of fishes.

Powder Blue Tang : 4 to 5inches...closer to 4 inch.

Blue Tang : 5 to 8 inches...closer to 7 inches region. yes it is that big!


size of belly

Powder Blue Tang : okay. you can't see the bones anymore. and its quite fat



cost of fishes

Powder Blue Tang : $20 non negotiable

Blue Tang : $20 non negotiable


type of food consumed.

Powder Blue Tang : anything! including pellets.

Blue Tang : anything! including pellets.



would-be owners of these two tangs must prove to me that they have the right system set up to tahan these big eaters. this would include a description of the tank size, existing lifestock and other bonus brownie points you think I should be aware of. I have the final say over which one will get the fish, as I want to ensure that the fish has a good life in somebody elses hands.

would-be owners also have to come and catch the fish themselves! I know this sounds ridiculous, but believe me, its a b***h to catch these fishes....I can try to catch them out for you first...but no garuantees. I will provide drinks/meals *not skimmate and fish food* for those who want to brave it out and catch the fishes themselves!


I want! how to go about it?

leave your mark here by describing your tank out. and I'll get back to you. DO NOT PM ME as I don't really fancy replying to PM. yes, I'm queer. (=

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like I said, I can try to catch them out but no garuantees. so it'd be good if the other party can come and catch together with me. (=

and the other conditions are put in place to make sure that its not going into a tank that isn't ready for these beautiful fishes. I feel its my responsibility to make sure that it happens. which is why I mentioned specifically that I want to know the tank set up and such. LFS may not care, but I care.

I'm not hard up for the sale, but if a buyer is sincere and he is sure his system will work, he will list down his system in full confidence! (=

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Powder blue is very prone to ich when you buy from lfs....so it is always a blessing to buy from reefer who have been keeping them for a while, and is already ich resistance.....and eating pellet somemore, whatelse can you ask for?

I would love to buy over the pbt, but too bad I just got one recently, mine is eating well, but still fighting the ich battle..... sigh....

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When I sell my Purple Tang, I have lot of condition as well. To make sure my fish go to better place.

Had to put out all the rock and LS to catch him and I sold @ 30. And hand delivery to the buyer place which cost me 15$ for petrol ( so super lose :P ). However my fish reach to the far better place than b4. Even though I am sad to part with my fish who was with me since my tank start, happy for him to get better home.

All the best wish for your sale.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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all fishes still available.

Blenny...yup the Powder Blue Tang has gone through its round of ich. whether it is resistant or not, I wouldn't know as I'm not a vet! :P but I can say that even if it comes back, the rate of recovery is much faster than the initial period. same for the blue tang.

qln_signature...state your tank parameters here first. (=

remember all interested parties must state their tank size/tank inhabitants/equipment used and husbandry skills.

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Hi Terryansimon,

Personally, I feel that you are rather stupid and strange to put up such a post.

Firstly, if your tank is unable to provide a good stable home for your fishes in long term, you shouldn't buy or keep in the first place. Or you didn't expect them to live longer than your expectation?

Secondly, you wish to land them to good home with good husbandary but the would be owner just mentioned their tank size with their population before you sold it off. Would you sell it to me if I told you that I have a 6 footer with state of art equipment but only 2 week old in reefing? & btw, what is ich?

Thirdly, I believe it will be a good point that you are able to capture them and place them in a easier location for the would be owner to pick up later rather than asking them to catch while at your place. I would be at a loss if I am to "visit" you, sat for a few hours, making new friend ith you, but the primary objective still inside your tank and we admire from outside.

My truly apology if I have offended you in any way but I just have the feeling that selling in this forum is difficult enough without any salts added. (Should be added with water)

Lastly, another apology for being off topic but as you mentioned, PM is not your cup of tea and I respect you for that. That's why I posted my 0.000000000001cent comment here (Which in the first place, is not needed at all.)

UPZ for your sale.

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Hi Terryansimon,

Personally, I feel that you are rather stupid and strange to put up such a post.

Firstly, if your tank is unable to provide a good stable home for your fishes in long term, you shouldn't buy or keep in the first place. Or you didn't expect them to live longer than your expectation?

Secondly, you wish to land them to good home with good husbandary but the would be owner just mentioned their tank size with their population before you sold it off. Would you sell it to me if I told you that I have a 6 footer with state of art equipment but only 2 week old in reefing? & btw, what is ich?

Thirdly, I believe it will be a good point that you are able to capture them and place them in a easier location for the would be owner to pick up later rather than asking them to catch while at your place. I would be at a loss if I am to "visit" you, sat for a few hours, making new friend ith you, but the primary objective still inside your tank and we admire from outside.

My truly apology if I have offended you in any way but I just have the feeling that selling in this forum is difficult enough without any salts added. (Should be added with water)

Lastly, another apology for being off topic but as you mentioned, PM is not your cup of tea and I respect you for that. That's why I posted my 0.000000000001cent comment here (Which in the first place, is not needed at all.)

UPZ for your sale.

hi there,

strange that u posted your thoughts and response to terransimon's thread despite feeling that it doesn't belong there in the 1st place, should u have decided that that's the case, you could have closed your browser before hitting the button to post the message, IMO, you're indeed a person of self-contradiction.

Why apologise for being grossly-off-topic and insist on doing it? It's like I slap you, apologise and slap you again!

As per every seller in any sales thread, they have the prerogative as to who they wanna sell their goods to, and in this case, terryansimon as opt for a preferred buyer as opposed to a preferred price... i don't see anything wrong with it... If there is aything I am unhappy about the seller's conditions of sale, I simply click on to another thread.

Besides your post being aggressive and rude in nature, you have violated net ethics whereby we dun openly attack anyone, or is there some unknown personal reason for you to derived into this course of action?

Nonetheless, all said, I'm very nosy and i tink your post is stupid.

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member
Personally, I feel that you are rather stupid and strange to put up such a post.

Firstly, if your tank is unable to provide a good stable home for your fishes in long term, you shouldn't buy or keep in the first place. Or you didn't expect them to live longer than your expectation?


I believe you didn't see the whole picture of his sale.

One thing I truely believe he did provide his fishes with love and care, however fishes are not like a toy which will never grow up. He ( we too ) do buy fish size that little bit smaller or lot smaller for our tank and when they grow up we have no choice but have to let them go to bigger place rather than in our tank.

He is care enough to find bigger swiming place for his fish rather than selling away. He has weak point make ppl to catch fish themself. Well everyone has weak point.

It's same as parent, when the kid grow up they have to let their kids ot move out to better ( sometime worse , choosen by kidself ). That's very nature.

If you want more nature than this, than give up your reefing cause it's not nature. Ocean fish should be in the Ocean not in your home's small little tinny man made ocean.

Sorry if I made u upset.


P.S. I don't know who the heck Simon nor his parent. I jsut stand on my point and all this are my person point of view. So if u wanna hack me hack me, nothing to do with this thread owner. Thank you for reading

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Guys...it is a sales thread where preference of the seller has been stated very clearly.

Please do 2 things:

1) Interested and willing to bear with the inconveniences...ask for more details and make arrangement for collection (trapping in this case)

2) Find the sales rules weird and not interested at all....move on to the next sales thread. Please refrain from making unnecessary remarks .............

**** And please do not get involved in the dispute if you are not involved in the first place. If you are not clear with the rules and regulations, please read up the rules that are pinned.


Sorry but the next unconstructive comment posted will be deleted and warnings issued.

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