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Massive Decomm Sale, good stuff inside

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Hi All, unfortunately looking to decommission my tank due to moving home.

P- Do take note item collection to be month end, if you need urgently just let me know.

- Items to be reserved with deposit.

- buy more can Nego price for you.

- most items are between 6mths to 1year few months old.

- all items works well if not I won’t sell.

- please self collect on weekends. Too many items I really can’t deliver.

- u need photos let me know.


1) Radion XR30 with stand and diffuser (about 6mths)x 2 for $2200

2) ecotech MP40QD  (about 6mths)x 2 for $950

3) Redsea reefwave 25x 2 for $480

4) Teco TK 1000 for $500

5) Apex trident for $700

6) Sicce syncra ADV7 - $450

7) bubble magus 7 -$200

8) Deltec UV 39watt - $200

9) Tunze refugium light, Eco Chic for $60

10) Nyos floatin fish trap - $60

11) Hanna checker, calcium, KH, ALK, PHOS - $70 each

12) Hanna salinity - $90

13) 4 stage RODI unit - $150

14) Gem Tang, M size stable and fat. $750

15) tank set, custom built 3x2x1.5ft (LxWxH) base is wider at 130cm by 72cm by 90cm, come with Sump and ATO. Crystal glass. Condition very good, no rust on hinges asking $420


If keen just text me at 98517818. Happy reefing’ !

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