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ZetLight ZT6600II-M 170W for sale - $100

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Have a Zetlight ZT6600II-M 170W for sale at $100, collect at Bukit Panjang area, Bukit Panjang MRT or LRT. Item is heavy and bulky, you can look at the spec from the websites below


The lights is good for up to 4ft tank, it run on aps, so you will need to download from the websites above.

Throw in an extra set of stand that raise the light higher above the water, should be a 12 inch raise. The original stand was never used before, so it is new.

There are 3 flaws in the light which I will call out as below, so buyer beware on these 3 flaws and not complaint later on.

PM me for interest...





Flaw #1, the area that is highlighted in Blue is rubber and suffer those sticky rubber symptoms, but it is not peeling or anything, just some cosmetic.



Flaw#2, the 3 black circle show above, the Lens are blacken and NOT broken, not sure if the LEDs behind is working or not, so beware.


Close up on Flaw#2


Close up on Flaw#2

Flaw#3, when the light is switch off with the power disconnect, like what is shown in the photo, somehow the light will need to leave overnight power on and it will be fine after which. It will work perfectly with the apps and so on. Else you will see a few LEDs being turn on, telling you the light is working, just that it will not turn on all the LEDs, but will be fine over the night.

Again this is not for fussy owner, great light for frags tank...


Edited by clowntrigger
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