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Strange nitrate readings encounter from main tank

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I was performing a test on nitrate reading and strange results came abt. Test Kit used , Prodac Nitrat test kit from Italy . Tested on main tank water read <10ppm .

Proceed to test on outlet of my macro denitrator reads 25ppm . Then did a test on my DIY Denitrator read 25-50ppm .

It seems like my main tank has become the denitrator and the denitrators became nitrators? :(

Anyone any explanation for this? and mind you i do not have a deep sand bed , nor i use any refugium. Main tank 2.5ft by 18inch by 18inch.

I always thought that readings from denitrators should be either same or less than main tank....but this isn't the case... :shock:

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That's assuming your denitrator is working properly.


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