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Garlic Treatment

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  • SRC Member

Hi, everyone, my newly introduced (2 days ago) Sabae Clowns just caught the ich. Is it ok for me to pour some garlic juice straight into the tank. Will it affect my coral, mainly hammer, torch)?

If can then how often should I pour in? Thanks in advance for the advices :) .

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  • SRC Member

Hi releeps,

garlic juice is to add into food and soak it before feeding the fishes.

This is to increase the immunity. (Known as Garlic Guard or Extreme Garlic Guard)

For ich treatment you have to use the "ich" curing medicine.



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Bro, if the fish can eat despite the ich, good chance it will recover, but if it doesn't eat, tough... anyway, the garlic is for soaking food so dat the fish can ingest the garlic... pouring it into the tank can cause your DOC to shoot up and u may have a problem....

Juz my $0.02... :)

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for the advices, :thanks: bro... the clowns are eating alot and fighting for food now, so tink should be ok, also don noe y they got ich,dont seems to b very stress to me leh...

But don noe when they will recover...now looks like they r from North Pole. Santa's clown :D .

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  • SRC Member
I soak food with garlic oil. Those meant for human consumption. So much more potent.  ;)

Did the same for my fish to get they ich free. Feed them with the garlic soak food @ least once a week. This prove effective when my sailfin tang and unidentified tang got ich. My piurple tang is ich proof too.





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  • SRC Member

If you wanna CURE ich, then you gotta get ich medication but do read the label carefully and avoid those with copper especially if you have corals!!!

Garlic is more for PREVENTION and IMMUNITY but as long as your fish eat heartily should be able to recover.

As for dosing garlic into tank, I can share with you that I used to do that every other day in small amounts (approx. 1~2 screw thread of the cap) into my tank. The LS seems to love it! Dash to the surface into the small cloud whenever I do that.

No unsavoury side effects on my tank.

Just my experience

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From what I know, how garlic works is after consuming the food soaked with garlic, the fish will have a coat protection from the gralic that repels ich. Thus I believe gralic do not kill ich but repels ich. Just like how we can repels our loveones if we go too close to them after eating garlic.

Plus as we all know Ich is always present in the water and waiting to stick itself onto a stressed fish. So if you have a healthy fish feeding on garlic soaked food, the chances of getting ich is much lower.

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Actually it's that after the fish consumes the food soaked with garlic... the garlic will mask the small of the fish so that the ich will not be able to find the fish.

Same principle as feeding your cats garlic tablets so they will not get tapeworm as fleas are the carrier of the tapeworm eggs. The flea cannot stand the smell of the garlic coming from the cat's body and will not infest the kitty.

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