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WTB: Ricordea Florida


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  • SRC Member

Bro, even in America, they are extremely expensive!!

Actually it depends how many petals you are getting. I saw some on the net 12 US dollars per petal .....for 6 to 7 petals it is about 79 US and those with 13 - 15 petals they cost about 139 US ... so you can actually buy the the singular ones :P

but I agree they are expensive .. ;)

I have a friend currently in the states now - he is sort of a marine freak as well ... so might be thinking to ask him if he is interested to get it.

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  • SRC Member
Its so hard to get nowadays... is it banned? Wander if other lfs or farms would try to bring in?

I am not quite sure if it is banned but according to what I know they are no longer coming in multiple petals on a single rock ..... maybe you could still get isolated petals here and there (according to a LFS owner)

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