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Chiller Problem

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  • SRC Member
then something is wrong with mine..

i tested the chiller with no lights on in my tank..

and i felt the water output directly..not cold..just normal room temperature..

Run the chiller under minimum flowrate for 20mins and see if the water outlet is cold or not, if still not cold, check on the compress gas inside the chiller. Maybe run out or leak out.


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  • SRC Member

i think maybe leak..

cos its a new chiller...

keep u guys posted after the service guy pops by tomolo to check..

i can run the chiller for 2 hrs..and the supposedly chilled water is at most...tap water temperature..

impossible to chill any volume of water down to 25..

and to imagine if someone were to use this malfunctioning one with MH..

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this is the 2nd set liao..

they changed this morning..but still like that

they say i connect wrongly..and they say they checked this set before sending to me..

they popping by in a few hrs time to check....

see how it goes....

will keep u guys posted...

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i juz got my cl-650 running today and the sound is much louder than teco but for its low pricing, i can afford to super size the chiller and it should support my big tank, which is akan datang.

to prevent cut in/out often, put a termometer at the input (juz outside ur pump for chiller or in the same sump compartment) and use the CA function to adjust such that your chiller temp reads the same temp as your termometer. or you can adjust the chiller temp reading to one degree lower.


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  • SRC Member

got it from Irwana...but faulty sets...of cos not their fault...they just reseller mah..

blame also blame the distributor mah..

cos warranty covered by the distributor...

so see what the expert repairman say loh tml..

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an update:

the "technician" came to check the chiller...guess what he did:

he asked me to switch off the pump for the chiller...

the remaining water in the chiller managed to cool down.

BUT! when the pump is switched back on, my tank will never register a significant drop in temperature.

the output from the chiller is not cold at all....i am using a Sicce Extrema Brand new pump and have adjusted the flowrate from 500 litres to 2200 litres.

no one cant fault me for having a too fast or too slow flowrate already.

the technician had the guts to say my return pump too hot..??!!

how hot can a Rio 32Hf and Eheim 1250 be compared to the reefers using MH?

i dint even switch on my humble T5 during the test..

what good is a chiller when it cant even cool down a tank without lights on?

the specs rated this chiller to be able to cool down 500 litres to 22 degrees...

firstly, my tank water volume is less than 500 litres and i cant reach 25..needless to say 22...

even if they over-rated this chiller, it cant be that much exageration right?

i still remember my RR was able to produce super chilled water..and hence the main tank was able to chill down to the required temperature.

but this resun....the output was horrible...my tapwater seems cooler..

the biggest irony is that...with this chiller...my tank's temperature can actually shoot up! i am using another thermometer in my main tank to monitor the temperature. a chiller that doesnt work and yet increase more heat to the main tank?

lastly..they claimed that the set they gave me was nice...yet when i run it...a lot of dirt came out......why am i sure its the chiller?

my pump is brand new, the piping used are brand new, so where does the dirt come from? drop from the sky into the chiller?

Have informed victor and he has very kindly agreed to help me talk to the bosses at Tung Hu. so will keep u guys updated abt the outcome.

hope u gusy could understand what i have mentioned here...

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  • SRC Member

mine also same batch... both Roidan and Ivcap asked me where i got my chiller :P .. You really very unlucky to kena this.. somemore change already still the same... so in the end how? He left without doing anything? Just say your pumps hot and left? It definitely cannot be the case....

My 4x2x2 with ocean runner 6500, ocean runner 2500, extrema, ehiem compact 600 and PL lights(damn hot).. also can cool down to below 27 relatively fast... maybe i shall try cooling it down to 25 :P see how long it takes...

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update on my new cl-650. i set the chiller temp to match the temp in my tank using CA. temp set at 26 so chiller will kick in when water is 28. when chiller kicks in, takes less than 20 mins to bring tank temp from 28 to 26, water vol est 375l and this is with 2x250W MH on!

btw, im using rio 2100, rated 2600 l/h (or thereabouts). pump to chiller input has eheim tube of around 30"-36" with a UV light in between.


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i also us the cl-650, ive tried to chill till 23 degrees just to see how low it can go and so far no problems leh. i have 150w mh lights as well as 72w pl lights in my refugium. now ive set to 26 degrees and it chill quite fast leh. im using a dymax 1200L pump.

seems u have a faulty chiller to me. should change it again.


oh ya my tank is around 490 L including my sump.

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  • SRC Member


definitely faulty..

the idiotic technician can argue say my pumps too hot?

i am hotter than the pumps..

give me crap reasons..

and i suspected the replacement set is an old set...there were dirt flying all over my tank when i run it..

ic ant imagine a dumb ###### checking whether a chiller is working by merely running the chiller without the pump on..

anyway..i tested the output water..

no matter how much i vary...its always 30 degrees....

so how to chill it to 25 when the output of the chilled water is at only 30 degrees?

ps: i always run into bad luck with elderly?

one Cf then this TUNG Hu "expert"

hes old enuff to be anyone's grandfather or possibly great-grandfather

face problem again...die die wun admit its the chiller fault..

was telling him everyone use stronger lights and pumps yet he keep saying my pumps too hot..

only made me hot..not my tank..

one last chance for them before i lodge a complain with Small Claims Tribunal.

cost me $15 but most likely i will get my money back...

if not for his age...i think my hokkien vocab all spill out liao...

tok to him nciely keep shifting the blame back to me..

ask him feel the output of the chiller..he no guts to feel...

what kind of servicng attitude

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hmmm ya, i read that resun had 2 different batches, the old ones was very noisy and dunno if it worked well or not. the new batch was quiet and had good feedback. mayb wat u got was old batch???

i bought my cl-650 from janet at Aqu@ M@r##. seems all good.

But ur flowrate is 2200 is very high leh. i thought specs on manual showed maximum is 1800??

jus wondering

I hope you get to sort out this little glitch soon and keep us posted ehhe cos i also wanna see wats the cust service of resun cos janet kept telling me the cust service is top notch ( in case the chiller kaput).


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mine new batch...i bought last sunday....

and the pump i varied from 500 to 2200..so no excuse to be shifted to the pump liao...

Customer service good?

this type of service is as good as Cf liao...

he keeps blaming my pumps instead of doing some real checks...

and he admited he know nuts abt fish keeping...whether fresh or marine...

i have absolute faith that no matter how hot a Rio 32Hf is..it wun beat the heat generated by MH..

Face issue lah....he dun wan admit the chiller is faulty..so in this scenario..he wun have to repair....

I even requested them to bring a new set today cos i was rather confident that its faulty..going by the reviews in here..

20-40 minutes for most reefers before their tank cools down..

mine 2 hrs and at most drop 1 degrees...

i think i better swear off LCK lane 6F products...seem to have run foul with products from there..

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yah loh..suay..

swear off anything from that area liao..

nothing goes smoothly whenever i need to buy things from there...

i mean LCK lane 6F


i know nuts abt chillers and repairs...but he dint even bring any tools or what...and tung hu has the cheek to call it service and check?

if he had to bring back the chiller..i really wonder how he gonna bring back...

he doesnt seem to be driving...

wayang show only..ask someone come down see see and offer no solution..

give them one more day before i make my way to small claims...

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been usint the 650 for 6 mths now ... no problem chilling kicks in at 28deg for 17mins then turns off at 26deg for 20mins before kicking in again ...

anything wrong with this .... or izzit a norm for this 650model...

gives out a loud bang when shutting off sometimes ... but not that often ..

Stairway to Heaven

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  • SRC Member

i dun quite get it why everyone is complaining about the fast kick in/off if it is working properly, ie kick in at +2 above set temp and shut off once it hits set temp.

since resun is +2 before kick in, i am not particular if it kicks in or shut off the moment the threshold is reached unlike teco which seems to have a delayed kick in/off cos it is +1 and without this delay, it will definitely kick in/off very often.


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