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New Strain of Phyto for Sale!!!

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  • SRC Member

I've combined types of branded phytoplankton together and got a whole new culture of phyto. the microns are between 2-12 microns!!! it has a total of 4 types of phyto...

Nannochloropsis. oculata @ 2-3 microns; N. salina @ 4-8 microns

Chlorella. sp @ 5-12 microns

Isochrysis. sp @ 4-6 microns

Tetraselmis. sp @ 6-10 microns

Now, it can cater to a wider variety of corals and inverts!!!

I've also added Selcon in it, for added nutrition.

I have only 10 bottles of this special mix of phyto at 120ml each. Its definitely better than nano only, which most reefers culture here! PM me for the price, or sms me at 96835304! i'm not telling the price becos ppl LUV to start price wars sometimes ;) so call and get it today!

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  • SRC Member

Seriously, i hope you tested the concoction.

Based on assumption that everything is 'LIve'

N.oculata,N.Salina,N Chlorella are from DT - (If you cultured this, only one strain will dominate.

T.Iso is unstable stored Live - Live storage not more than 30days. In which metabolites will be produced as a by product. Unless preservatives are used...which is another issue.

Tetraselmis - No issue.

Selcon - For immediate enrichment only. Its is a base of fish oils, using it to feed the tank................really hope the skimmer can cope.

Store the above mix for 7-10 days and have a smell. ;)


Otherwise - To follow along 'Live' it looks like a mixture of DT & Aquatim.

Others on the market are not Live(Non-Viable).

Although very much more concentrated and economical in scale of use.

And again- Skip the selcon. Does more bad than good if mixed into that recipe.

Use selcon on its own to enrich (gut load) Brineshrimp or rotifers.

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  • SRC Member

i think like that i will skip the selcon cos i'vent got it yet :D

its not from culture disk, cos u cant get it in chlorella.

i was thinking of putting selcon originally cos aquatim also has it, ut i think i'll pass.

the color is in a slight orange-green, becos iso is brownish, so dun expect it to be dark green.

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  • SRC Member

Is the self cultured phytoplankton nitrate and phophate free? Will there be algae boom after using in tank? Also how much to add? I'm afraid of algae boom (just manage to get it control after weeks of war).....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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Is the self cultured phytoplankton nitrate and phophate free? Will there be algae boom after using in tank? Also how much to add? I'm afraid of algae boom (just manage to get it control after weeks of war).....

IMHO, any kind of phytoplankton, if u overdose, bound to hv algae bloom. ;)

juz me 2 cents.

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  • SRC Member

erps...even if its commercial plankton, the amount that they recommend should be ignored, as the amount of plankton feeding organisms vary in each tank. so there should never be instructions on how much to feed. the correct amount could only be acheived when the doser has experimented with different amount of dosage, and came up with the best formula for his tank. its like, for frozen BS, they never say 1 cube for 2 ft tank mah, cos someone might haf 10 fishes in it, and another might only have a fish.

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