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Blood Shrimp

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  • SRC Member

relatively hardy and easy to keep . definitely reef safe. they are like cleaner shrimps in that they will sometimes clean fish. but they are much lazier than cleaner shrimp . Wont clean too much. i got 1 abt a few weeks ago and i seen it about 3 times in my life. shy creatures

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  • SRC Member

I have a few in my 4 ft for over 1.5 years. Easy to keep, need cooler temp, that's all. Yes they are shy but will come out at night or you can check behind rocks. My biggest one is about 2" (body). Colour is dark red with white dots.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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  • SRC Member

I have already got a shy felle in my tank.. the majetic shrimp or lobster?..orange/purple shrimp with big "Gong"....

ya... only see it for a few times in a year.... <_<

wa...another shy felle...hmmm :blink:

oh, I also have a clearner shrimp, will they fight?

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  • SRC Member

Both are super hardy... my blood shrimp and my cleaner avoid each other... they take the opposite ends of my tank.

The Cleaner Very Garang, can take food from my hand and let me play with its feelers :P

Blood shrimp on the other hand only comes out like 20 secs after i start feeding... slow and stupid, so end up with nothing.

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Blood shrimp seems more sensitive to water parameters.

My friend bought 1 blood shrimp (Lysmata debelius) and 1 cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) on the same day. Introduced them both to his cycled tank.

The blood shrimp died but the cleaner shrimp did not. I guess it was due to specific gravity shock.

Always something more important than fish.


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Blood shrimp seems more sensitive to water parameters.

My friend bought 1 blood shrimp (Lysmata debelius) and 1 cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) on the same day. Introduced them both to his cycled tank.

The blood shrimp died but the cleaner shrimp did not. I guess it was due to specific gravity shock.

Eh btw i think invertebrate cannot stand high nitrate...

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Intend to buy this felle... can advice or share your experience.


This is a rather hardy shrimp.......... Sometime it act as a cleaner to other fish but most of them usually shy away...Reef safe and more expensive than clenaer shrimp

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  • SRC Member

I will recommend those blood shrimps from Henry- somehow tend to be more stable and hardy. Mentioned before that he imported from a different location (I forgot the place, anyone pls?). Though some webbie mentioned that the blood shrimps are relatively strong and hardy, I do heard a lot of friends that they seems to be more sensitive and will rather prefer a lower temperature... maybe it is the experience that counts... :D

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  • SRC Member

I had a yellow wrasse (aka banana wrasse) had recently killed my hermit crab. :cry:

I thought of adding cleaner shrimp into the tank. But afraid it face the same plight as the hermit crab. Please advise.

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I had a yellow wrasse (aka banana wrasse) had recently killed my hermit crab. :cry:

I thought of adding cleaner shrimp into the tank. But afraid it face the same plight as the hermit crab. Please advise.

Yes most likely it is the same fate as the crab

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  • SRC Member

dun hijack peoples thread.

basically like chris said it eats crusteceans. will wack off bristleworms too. anyway it should be the last fish u ever put into your aquarium . extremely territorial. known to tank jump too.

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