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Topics for serious discussion


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There has been a few topics in the reefing circle that requires important and serious debating

I was thinking whether we could hold a discussion on some of these topics:


Sally Lightfoot Crabs not reefsafe (in regards to small fishes)

Saron shrimps consume coral polyps so they must be termed not reefsafe

Addition of hermits into a tank will actually cause it more harm than good

Should Turbo snails be used in captive reefs?

Should common names like "Doctorfish" be used?

Should Damsels be used as "test fishes" for tank cycling?

Are authorities putting enough effort to control types of LS coming in?

SPS are actually easy to keep and thrive if you understand them


Calcium Reactors replenish alkalinity and little calcium and risk low pH and algae blooms

To what extent should some equipments like protein skimmer be used?

UV as a factor for colouration of corals

The practical uses of a Denitrator

Making a powdered reef---Using too much additives good or bad?

Is a plenum really necessary?

How deep should a DSB go?

Powerheads on a timer wears it down

Uses for coral chips

Zeovit system----Good or Bad?

Some pointers for you guys to think about and please post here if you have any views on the above subjects

Start off with the question


Then your view


But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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  • SRC Member

How deep should a DSB go?

A DSB is not a must for any tank and it causes more problems in the long run which is not easily solved apart from removing the whole sandbed which is nightmarish, to say the least. Go for a shallower sandbed or better yet, Bare-bottom tank esp in a SPS tank. It allows you to max the circulation wihtout fear of sandstorms.

Use a remote DSB if u must and use sand sized 1/0. Minimum height of a DSB is about 5 inches. Provide plenty of creatures to keep the top layer of the sandbed turned.

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  • SRC Member

Should Turbo Snails Be Used In Captive Reefs?

Snails should be aggressively used during the start up phases. As algae and diatom will bloom and these will provide food for the snails. However, as the tank matures, less and less algae will be available, then stock has to be reduced as there will be less food for them. If they starve and die, then what is reduce initially( algae & diatom ) will be thrown back to the tank ( Law of Conservation). In simple terms, use them as a form of algae export.

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