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Calcium Reactor & Addictives


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Dear reefers

Need your view on dosing addictives while running calcium reactor. Heard that if I use calcium reactor and there is no need to dose any addictives such as stroutium, trace elements, etc. Thanks for your help.

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info on CR media: Caribsea A.R.M ;)

A complete reactor media containing not only calcium and carbonate, but essential trace elements as well. In fact A.R.M. has nearly 50 times the strontium of other brands (7,390 ppm) A.R.M. is processed for immediate use, no rinsing required, and has double the surface area of regular aragonite. Precision grading (2-3mm) allows for maximum carbon dioxide penetration, and the exclusion of gastrpod shells insures the lowest phosphate and silica (about 1/2 that of other brands) content. This grading also carries in the hight concentration of Halimeda incrassata, an aragonite so pure it has been used as a laboratory standard. A.R.M. has the highest solubility of any reactor media available (metastable at 8.2) so CO2 consumption is much lower. A.R.M., its what your corals are made of.

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  • SRC Member

Have done a bit of research from the net and i dunt think that ARM media can hold the MG ppm sufficiently. Granted that Mg not being used rapidly but the levels will drop even after the CR being tuned to sustain the KH and Ca of the tank. Weisoon is right that we do need to supplement the ARM with Mg additives and the Grotech Mg Pro sounds good. less hassle and no need for manual dosing.

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