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Tank Overheating Protection


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  • SRC Member

Hi!! ;)

Finally got my new set of 2x150W MH. B) The tank looks great and I can see some amazing changes since I've put them up. Big diff from the 60W FL is had for a few months. :rolleyes: Finaly I can get into corals :lol: .

But I live with a new fear now :fear: : What if my resun chiller breaks down? I undestand from some posts that some reefers are using some protection device that trips the light if the temperature of the main tank goes too high. A fellow refer mention that you can get it at sim lim tower. but I still cannot picture exactly what this thing would look like and what would be its standard use other than this application.

- Is this a ready made solution or do I have to get parts an DIY it?

- If must get parts, what parts?

- anyone got a picture?

Thanks for your help. :bow: I hope to leave home with peace of mind in the future. :angel:


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I am assuming you have read this post? All you need is to get the temp controller (any brand, any model also can). After that you will have to diy the wiring yourself. No special parts required. It is however important that you can read a simple electrical wiring diagram. :)

Comments are welcome!
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This was a most complete post to answer my question.

Indeed I had not come across it.

The price of that FOX controller is very good. I can't find anything close to it pricewise in the RS componenent catalogue here in kl. Might ask a friend to get it in Singapore for me.


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