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What Angel Fish are Reef Safe

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  • SRC Member

Hi bro, any angel fish expert out there?

I love angel fish almost as much as i love tang. In fact, they where one of the first fish i kept while i was interest in FOWLR tank....but had to give them up when i switch to reef (hope my 2 angel are still doing well...)....

anyway, would certainly like to try them again but other then swallowtail, and lanmark's angel....anyone knows of another angel that can be safe for reef????

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  • SRC Member

No. Ask Asfur, he's in the forum today. He has more knowledge of Angelfish.

FYI, I currently have 2 angelfish in my tank. Coral Beauty and Blue lips.


Coral Beauty WILL definitely nibble on your soft corals, so far it have create numerous pot holes in my leather coral. I have yet to see it nibble on my Buttons and Mushie or blue fan(correct me if I'm wrong).

Blue lips so far so good. The fella pretty shy always slike to stay behind the LR and will only come out to look for food or meal time.




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CB I think is 50-50, the 3 CB I have so far is reef safe, never touches any leather coral so far.

My Banner so far is also reef safe, but others got differing experience.

In fact, one of my damsel (grey domino or something) is pecking on the leather sometime.

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I have a !@#$%^ Emperor juz who ha already killed my brain coral... trying to catch it now... :(:angry:

hehehe...had 2 of these before.....1 was safe but the other one after 4 month developed an tastes for brain and start wacking.....luckly was able to catch it in time and give them away

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its more like a 50/50 thing with all angelfishes....

so far...I have 3 flameangels since I started the hobby....no prob. ;)

Meaty corals like brainm pratas are tempting to Angels. ;)

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Hi bro, i just online again. About the angelfish, i think you must know what they eat and they are popular coral in their natural habitat, but i'm quite sure that all pomacanthus spp like blue face, french, grey, asfur, maculosus, koran, six banded, annularis and the holocanthus spp like king angel and queen angel, the chance is mostly impossible as once they settle, they will destroy your coral except with majestic angel, regal, three spot and goldflake angel, you might get a more than 50/50 to even completely reef safe, ofcourse with good selective coral. I also think you might forget brain coral and clam, as i believe they hard to resist this tasty thing.

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My emperor ate my brain.... but my Flame is okay with all my corals... even left my brain and clam alone... guess u have to keep them well fed... :) That would reduce the chance of them eating your brain corals/clams! But some of the angels just cant resist!! :(

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Its not totally ture that angels nip corals. You've to train them first with brine shrimp or mysis shrimp. Thats what i learnt from one of the shop owners whos got lots of experience in keeping reef safe angels big or small

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  • SRC Member
My emperor ate my brain.... but my Flame is okay with all my corals... even left my brain and clam alone... guess u have to keep them well fed... :) That would reduce the chance of them eating your brain corals/clams! But some of the angels just cant resist!! :(

My emperor also eat my brain coral.....anyway, i have gotten rid of most of my LPS....hopefully can get started on some of the angels as i heard from others that angels are more likely to attack LPS then SPS.... :P

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The ONLY reef save ANGELFISH is Watanabe's Angelfish(Genicanthus watanabei)

This Angelfish is absolutely reef save.

Got this info from book name "REEF SECRETS" by Alf Jacob Nilsen & Svein A. Fossa.

Hope this help. :peace:

Is the watanabei vegetarian??? :eyebrow:

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