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Discussion about angelfish!!!!

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Rock beauty is sometimes imported to indo, but i also never saw a good specimen, most of them are so small less than 5 cm, and in thin body also their fins is thorn. I don;t know why, but i quess it is connected to their less though amongst big angel, as they can suddenly dead without any explanation.

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MAn ... geez

Thats kinda sad yeah? :(

Some of teh bigger agels i've only saw once. An adult Queen when i was 14.

MAN!!!!! cant get it outta my head till now!!! :lol::lol:

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Was just wondering if you guys had any luck with keeping regal angels. Do they need special requirements. Ive read alot on it cos i was planning to get 1 but it seems that the response is pretty negative(as in many experts strongly advised against it) even the red sea yellow belly type. If you have had success with them, could you kindly post what kind of food you feed and other requirements in which you feel is best for the angel.

been doing research for the past 2 mths now and still feel scared.

any help is good


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Was just wondering if you guys had any luck with keeping regal angels. Do they need special requirements. Ive read alot on it cos i was planning to get 1 but it seems that the response is pretty negative(as in many experts strongly advised against it) even the red sea yellow belly type. If you have had success with them, could you kindly post what kind of food you feed and other requirements in which you feel is best for the angel.

been doing research for the past 2 mths now and still feel scared.

any help is good


Hi KyRo, i have a regal that already 1 year in my tank. That opinion about regal angel was true few years ago, but now keeping regal angel is much more possible, but i'm agree that this fish is not for the beginner. About ten years ago i've been tried to kept regal angel (grey belly specimen) and it was not eat commercial food for almost 3 months until i release it back to the ocean, and i tried not to keep this beautiful angel again, until i read this precious article, may be it is not good if i'm explain the way to keep this angel since i 'm not the author in explaning how to keep this regal angel, but i will forward you the article, my advice, just read carefully and follow the hint, his first regal was lived for 10 years in his reef tank. The author is master in marine hobby, he is Julian Sprung best friend. This is my second chance just by following the article and it works, even to my friend which is still newbie in marine aquaria.

Here is the article :



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:bow::bow: Hehehehe, no problem bro. I just hope that you are success also in keeping your regal angel.

About the rock beauty, i'm also like that fish, but their bad reputation is make me think thousand times be4 buy it, may be is somebody have a great success with rock beauty and want to share with us in this forum, then it will make the rock beauty fans very happy, that's including me :thanks::thanks::thanks:

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You may stop dreaming already coz I saw 2 huge specimen @ Pz Rf.

Yup! should be feeding by now. ;) About 5' size.

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Gotta go see b4 it gets sold... or died... hee :lol:

Geez... wished i had a bigger tank.... :pinch:

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Large Angelfish Species Rating Chart - Genera Holacanthus and Pomacanthus - Saltwater Aquarium Guides Fish Profile

Suggested Minimum Tank Size in brackets.

Good starter species for INTERMEDIATE aquarists. This does not mean these fish are good for beginners with newly set up aquariums, but recommended for those with a well established system that has ample live rock and algae growth present.

Blue Angelfish - Holacanthus bermudensis [180]

Bluegirdled (Majestic) - Pomacanthus navarchus [100]

Bluering (Annularis) - Pomacanthus annularis [100]

French - Pomachanthus paru [135]

Gray - Pomacanthus arcuatus [180]

Koran (Semicircular, Halfcircled) - Pomacanthus semicirculatus [135]

Passer (King) - Holacanthus passer [100]

Queen - Holacanthus ciliaris [180]

Six Banded - Pomacanthus sexstriatus [180]

Yellowbar (Maculosus, Map, Half Moon) - Pomacanthus maculosus [100]

The rest should be avoided species only kept by ADVANCED aquarists. These Angelfish may starve without a proper sponge diet or may have other specialized feeding requirements. They most often do not adapt well to tank feed foods or aquarium life easily.

Asfur (Arabian) - Pomacanthus asfur [135]

Black & White Bandit - Holacanthus arculatus or Desmoholacanthus arcuatus [100]

Blueface (Yellowface) - Pomacanthus xanthometopon [135]

Cortez - Pomacanthus zonipectus [180]

Emperor - Pomacanthus imperator [135]

Rock Beauty - Holacanthus tricolor [100]

That's all, Folks!

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Haiz... :(

But anyway, in the future if i have a 6ft tank (Which i hope is acouple of years time...) I'm gonna try my luck. :heh:

Who knows! :lol::lol:

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Read a book, seems that the only angels that really do well in captive would be the Flame and lemon peel... :) angels like the potter is a no no... :(

Eh you mean do well in captive or a reef tank..... I knwo for sure if captive, resplendent and argi angel would do much better than flame or lemon peel

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For Big angels, i heard from many hobbists that the korean and arabian is quite a good fish to keep...

Hmmm wonder why only these two countries.. HAHA! :D

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