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Discussion about angelfish!!!!

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Hi, i want to discuss around angel thoughness and price due to exclusiveness among hobbist in your country. Due to exclusiveness, how do you rate from 1-4 : King, Queen, Asfur and French, and a little bit of your reason.

How about the thoughness (from the most though to the less though)?

And the price about them (from the most expensive to the less expensive?

All measurement are compare with the same size, let say about 8-10 cm fish/medium size.

If that fish is not an exclusive fish amongst hobbist, then what kind of angel that being put as an exclusive angel for hobiist.

Oh yeah, lets skip the rare and "crazy" angel price like clarion and conspicillatus.

Thank you very much

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Hi Asfur,

Not being hearing from you lately, how are you? Must be too busy to visit the forum and give some good advise to newbie like me.

Anyway, back to the topic. My personal preference is :-

1. King - Never saw before = Don't know price = Don't know how hardy is it.

2. Queen - Never saw before = Don't know price = Don't know how hardy is it.

3. Asfur - Saw once but didn't have the courage and $ to buy. Courage coz I still worry that it can survive in my tank.

4. French - Never saw before = Don't know price = Don't know how hardy is it.




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No lah neokn, i been still visit this site several times a week, but since there are no question around angelfish, so i don't think it is wise for me to give some clue. BTW, back to the topic, i'm very surprise that you never saw king, queen, and french, actually i've heard that many singapore lfs are often sell queen and french, king are a rare item in your country, but in hong kong king is oftem offer in the lfs. And yes they are command high value, queen and french are about the same price, in indonesia it is about sing $500, but king are command more it is about sing $600, this is taken from the same size at about 8-10 cm/medium size angel.

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LCK 1** has 2 medium size Kings (approx 10cm) selling around mid three hundreds. Fantastic red body and healthy too when I saw 2 weeks back. Rare to find a 10cm size but rather common at 4-5cm (usually near to two hundreds).

Queen are rather common here - they usually import every other month from Brazil but comes in small sizes. Medium ones cost around mid one hundreds upwards. Rather prone to disease.

Asfur / Half Moon / French - They usually comes in small sizes (3-4cms). Average cost around mid fifties. Uncommon to see medium size for sale. French are hardy and ich prone too.

Blue face - It seems to appear everywhere here. 1 footer around two hundreds.

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I know Paris Ris farm do import French angel but I don't know whether do they import Queen angel or not or maybe as usual me "shot bird" again. After going through the net, I realised that I had seen the Queen once @ one of the LFS. The size was HUGE (@ least 8.5">) As it's too big for my tank thus I didn't ask the price.

Goodness me, S$500 for a fish that is way too much for me.

Can you show the picture of the King? Can't find it on the net.




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Actually seen the Queen/French/Asfur a few times liao.... bought a Queen Angel b4, but it died after 1 week despite eating.... :( In terms of rarity, I tink the multi-colour is pretty rare, usually at most 2 pieces... but the Queens/French/Asfurs can come in tons.... and at about 2-3" inch, I tink the multi-colour more ex at $120 ( cheapest I've seen... )

Another angel, the cherub, the one with a blue body and a orange face also seldom seen, so far only seen it once... but not for sale... :(

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1) King - easy to keep, price about $250 - $350, but quite hard to find in Lfs or Farm.

2) Queen - Not easy to keep. price about $200 - $300. Almost very month got one shipment in.

3) French - easy to keep, Price about $200 - $280.

4) Asfur - easy to keep, Price about less than $100.

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If i'm not wrong, your picture is Japanese Pigmy Angelfish a.k.a Cantropyge Interrupta, am i correct?

It is very amazing, here in indo, asfur price is put in the same price as queen, even to king angel sometime, french a bit cheaper rather than queen.

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bought a juv Queen angel awhile back...2 inches Queen for $120 a while back.

IMO....not a tough fish to keep...the problem lies in shipping and handling than the LS itself. If you talk to LFS bosses..a lot will tell you they always keep their fingers crossed that the fishes arrived ALIVE and kicking.

Prices ard $200 and above should be the adults versions

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If i'm not wrong, your picture is Japanese Pigmy Angelfish a.k.a Cantropyge Interrupta, am i correct?

It is very amazing, here in indo, asfur price is put in the same price as queen, even to king angel sometime, french a bit cheaper rather than queen.

Interruptus....... ;););) Its heading our way ;);):lol::lol:

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Hi dispar, according to the refference interruptus refer to chaetodon spp, chaetodon interruptus/Indian Ocean Teardrop Butterflyfish. This fish is very similar to Teardrop Butterflyfish, only the body is yellow while in teardrop is white. But may be in your LFS is call interruptus.

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