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Thin and long hammer...why?


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  • SRC Member

I find that recently all my hammer corals are fully extended with thin and long tenticle instead of the fat fat one. This has been going on for about 1 month now. All other corals like bubble, button, zoo, mushrooms and anemone are ok.

Is there a trace element deficiency? I have been dosing the kent marine trace element.

Please advise.



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  • SRC Member

Very strangle lay...they were not like that when I first bought them. They were thick, fat and short. Now a day, they are long and thin. Even the new hammer that I introduce recently is starting to become long and thin. It is not just the long sweeper tentacles but also the hammer itself.

Do you guys really think it is the wave? Coz I have 3xTunze running right now for my 6ft tank. I fear that if I reduce the flow, the cyano will come back.



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  • SRC Member
should be the current, dont think there is prob with the beckett..

wah dual sia.. hey bro i sold my h&s hehe.. sorry offtopic!

experiencing the same thing with my hammer too, notice similarly that under strong current it tends to elongate while those further away from the current are more fat.. strange behaviour, but no harm done so far. :)

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