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Macro Skimmer


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  • SRC Member
my JS-300L oso got the same problem...got bubbles but cant reach the top

any tips to spare? :(

How old is your tank?

When did you put in the skimmer? is it new?

How much LS you have in the tank now?

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How old is your tank?

When did you put in the skimmer? is it new?

How much LS you have in the tank now?

tank is around 6 mth old...

skimmer is a new one but been running for 3 days ++ but bubbles cant reach the top...

hm... maybe water level not right? :unsure:

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  • SRC Member

tank is around 6 mth old...

skimmer is a new one but been running for 3 days ++ but bubbles cant reach the top...

hm... maybe water level not right? :unsure:

Adjust water level to bottom of neck and use a air valve to reduce air intake until bubbles starts sticking together to form foam. As more foam is form, they will be force up the collection cup...............a lot of times are bubbles form and not foam. Bubbles will burst easily before reaching the top, foam won't.


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Adjust water level to bottom of neck and use a air valve to reduce air intake until bubbles starts sticking together to form foam. As more foam is form, they will be force up the collection cup...............a lot of times are bubbles form and not foam. Bubbles will burst easily before reaching the top, foam won't.


adjust the water level to the red line? :blink:


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  • SRC Member

adjust the water level to the red line? :blink:

adjust the water level to above the red line, the foam formation should be just slightly above the black collar under the collection cup, which is the black marking above your red line shown.


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  • SRC Member

Already at the maximum recommended already.... 2000l/hr

I always go above the recommended flowrate when come to skimmer...........esp. a venturi skimmer cos it needs the velocity of the flow in order to suck in more quantity of air.

Get a sicce extrema, this pump can control the flow rate from 800-2500l/hr so very convienent for tuning skimmer.


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  • SRC Member
when i use my 1500l pump for my macro skimmer already

the water overflow .....out from the collection cup

how to overcome this problem~~ :o

i am using asf 400 model for my 2 feet cube tank


Whats the diameter and height of your ASF-400? I using a 2500l/hr pump for my 7"diameter x 21"height Macro and when I turn the water outlet max, I can still control the water level below the first black mark.

The overflow might be cause by improper salt mix when you change NSW. Improper salt mix will cause excessive bubbles and foam formation thus leading to overflow into your collection cup. Shut off your skimmer and let the water circulate for a few hrs to stablise before switching on your skimmer.


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Yes, Eric is right, in ventury skimmer, you better use a bigger pump, in my cases (ASF 200) i use 5000 lt/h pump, it will not work in their best performance if you follow the normal pump, also it is normal for the new skimmer to not produce foam for a couple of days to a week, even for an old tank, because new skimmer contain oil and other things that makes your skimmer won't produce foam, but don't worry this things will not harm your water.

For andysho problem, i think you're not correctly adjust the water flow, even in my skimmer when i fully open the flow, it will not overflow the chamber, then i don't think your 1500 lt/h can cause this problem, otherwise you set it wrong.

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  • SRC Member
Where can I get this sicce extrema pump? anyone able to give an estimated cost?

hmm ok so it seems like I have to change my pump.... it's been around a week and it has been behaving like an expensive bubble making machine...gosh

Pet mart can buy the sicce extrema - ard $75

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