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Tips to tune your Macro skimmer


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  • SRC Member

Bought this Macro venturi skimmer from a fellow reefer 1 month ago becos of its size, 7" diameter and 21" height. Was quite disappointed in the beginning becos it could only achieve wet dark choc skimmate, much like my weipro 2012 with extrema pump.

So I did some experiment with it and found out two tips for getting a good dry foam skimmate.

I using this Macro Venturi skimmer with a Sicce extrema pump (2500l/hr). The pump suction cover is removed so as to maximise the flowrate to 2500l/hr and allow bigger particles of dirt to be suck in by the pump and into the skimmer reaction chamber.

1st is the removal of the collection cup cover. This helps the foam which carrys the dirt to "free fall" into the collection cup without the obstruction of the cover resulting in bubble burst on the riser and collecting all the dirt on the riser top.

2nd is the use of a air tubing valve, those cheapo $0.50 air pump flow ball valve. These small air valves helps to regulate the correct amount of air mixture to achieve the right size of bubbles to form the dry foam.

While tuning the skimmer, I use a mirror to observe the size of the bubbles and how the foam are form. By the reduction of the air inlet plus adjusting the water level in the reaction chamber to the bottom ream of the collection cup, water turbulence causing huge bubble bursting are very much reduced. Smaller bubbles started to collect and easily stick to each other forming the foam. And becos of the tall riser of the Macro collection cup, its able to allow time for those "liquid" to escape from the foam to form the dry foam.

Oh ya, 1 more important thing is to keep the water level where you place your pump always constant, flutuation of the water level will directly affect the water level in your skimmer reaction chamber too due to the differences in suction head pressure on the pump.

Below are two latest pic taken, I believe the same technic can be used on other Venturi skimmer.


Dry Foam


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  • SRC Member
Wow! seems like it works well... bro, any other pics of the air valve? Guess some bros might wanna take a closer look at it... :)

Aiya its those air tubing valves lah small small one, cheap cheap one. Anyway here's the pic. I plugged it into the air inlet of the venturi (the Macro venturi air hose is inside the skimmer reaction chamber itself).



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Aiya its those air tubing valves lah small small one, cheap cheap one. Anyway here's the pic. I plugged it into the air inlet of the venturi (the Macro venturi air hose is inside the skimmer reaction chamber itself).


hi which model u r using?

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Bought this Macro venturi skimmer from a fellow reefer 1 month ago becos of its size, 7" diameter and 21" height. Was quite disappointed in the beginning becos it could only achieve wet dark choc skimmate, much like my weipro 2012 with extrema pump.

So I did some experiment with it and found out two tips for getting a good dry foam skimmate.

I using this Macro Venturi skimmer with a Sicce extrema pump (2500l/hr). The pump suction cover is removed so as to maximise the flowrate to 2500l/hr and allow bigger particles of dirt to be suck in by the pump and into the skimmer reaction chamber.

1st is the removal of the collection cup cover. This helps the foam which carrys the dirt to "free fall" into the collection cup without the obstruction of the cover resulting in bubble burst on the riser and collecting all the dirt on the riser top.

2nd is the use of a air tubing valve, those cheapo $0.50 air pump flow ball valve. These small air valves helps to regulate the correct amount of air mixture to achieve the right size of bubbles to form the dry foam.

While tuning the skimmer, I use a mirror to observe the size of the bubbles and how the foam are form. By the reduction of the air inlet plus adjusting the water level in the reaction chamber to the bottom ream of the collection cup, water turbulence causing huge bubble bursting are very much reduced. Smaller bubbles started to collect and easily stick to each other forming the foam. And becos of the tall riser of the Macro collection cup, its able to allow time for those "liquid" to escape from the foam to form the dry foam.

Oh ya, 1 more important thing is to keep the water level where you place your pump always constant, flutuation of the water level will directly affect the water level in your skimmer reaction chamber too due to the differences in suction head pressure on the pump.

Below are two latest pic taken, I believe the same technic can be used on other Venturi skimmer.


Dry Foam


Eric, if the collection cup were to remove, will the bubbles burst and cause the surrounding area wet? Hope you advise. Thanks.

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  • SRC Member


Eric, if the collection cup were to remove, will the bubbles burst and cause the surrounding area wet? Hope you advise. Thanks.

Of cos if you remove the collection cup for service, you should tune down your water level lower.

Wat I meant is to remove your collection cup cover. Beginning when I was still experimenting with the air valves and water level, I often get wet foam which will still burst after reaching the top of the collection cup. Now the mixture is near perfect and the foam is super dry, it doesn't burst anymore and just keep on raising until the foam weight is so heavy it collaspe down onto the collection cup, it will take hrs for the foam bubbles to subside into liquid phase.


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  • SRC Member
Does u face a noise air sound from the air intake?

Yes, it has a light suction hissing sound which is harly noticable after I reduce the air inlet.

Chselee - Weipro is also a venturi, the principle should be the same, so should work for weipro too. I get good result from weipro 2012 with my extrema pump at max and water level kept at 2nd black line of the weipro, air intake no touch.


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  • SRC Member

I added an air intake valve to the air inlet of my prism skimmer too and it's working better able to control the water flow plus the air flow.

Took the idea from tis thread. Any copyrights? :D

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  • SRC Member
I added an air intake valve to the air inlet of my prism skimmer too and it's working better able to control the water flow plus the air flow.

Took the idea from tis thread. Any copyrights? :D

Hahaha...........wait for my lawyer letter!

I not rich enough to buy those high end products that has already been R&D and made perfect so got to do a lot of experimenting base on the limited knowledge I learn from my workplace. Glad there are fellow reefers benefit from my experiments :-)


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  • SRC Member
I added an air intake valve to the air inlet of my prism skimmer too and it's working better able to control the water flow plus the air flow.

Took the idea from tis thread. Any copyrights? :D

i have tried on a prizm, doesn't really work leh....how did you do it???

for me either the bubble gets to big or the turbulance too big...wonder what did i do wrong.....

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  • SRC Member

Tried in on my prizm too and I must SAY THANK YOU :bow::bow::bow: to Eric for sharing it in the forum.

What I did

1. Use a cheapo plastic control valve and connect in between the rubber tubing and the top Air Intake.

2. Allow high water flow into the pump.

3. Tune the air control valve and don't allow the bubbles to overflow to the Media Basket.

Pls see attached picture.





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  • SRC Member

i have tried on a prizm, doesn't really work leh....how did you do it???

for me either the bubble gets to big or the turbulance too big...wonder what did i do wrong.....

Try turning the water flow valve and air flow valve off first.

On the water valve slowly to about 1/4 open and open a bit of the air valve.

The air valve is quite sensitive so adjust it by very little. After getting the type of foam you want. (note : need to let it stablised for a few hours and more fine tuning had to be done once it stablised)

Letting more air thru will foam bigger bubbles and less air smaller bubbles and more compact.

If you choose to have smaller bubbles then you will need to open the water valve a bit more. That's from my test. Hope it helps.

Not sure whether my explaination is clear enough.



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  • SRC Member
Tried in on my prizm too and I must SAY THANK YOU :bow::bow::bow: to Eric for sharing it in the forum.

What I did

1. Use a cheapo plastic control valve and connect in between the rubber tubing and the top Air Intake.

2. Allow high water flow into the pump.

3. Tune the air control valve and don't allow the bubbles to overflow to the Media Basket.

Pls see attached picture.

You stops the bubble at such a low level?

How's the skimmage like now?

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  • SRC Member

You stops the bubble at such a low level?

How's the skimmage like now?

Don't have the picture now. Will post again tonight when I get home.

But I can tell you this, it is the first time that I see all the bubbles just outside the "funnel" collection area. Most of the time they just burst and went staight into the collect cup.

If I allow the bubbles to cross that "marked" area, I will get miro bubbles in the tank which I don't want. I think the metal air control valve could be more precise than the plastic one.




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Don't have the picture now. Will post again tonight when I get home.

But I can tell you this, it is the first time that I see all the bubbles just outside the "funnel" collection area. Most of the time they just burst and went staight into the collect cup.

You keep your water level at the O-ring at the throat of the collection cup right?

And you only allow bubbles to reach that low a level?

I don't have any more micro mist bubbles anymore though after some tuning

Hmm..maybe I go try later wonder how it will goes. I'm still letting my skimmer stablise actually.

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