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How do you rate Resun Chiller?


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  • SRC Member

You have to state the total water volume capacity of your tank + sump in order to answer your power consumption question. It is highly possible that a overrated chiller saves you more money than one which is just right for your volume capacity as the former does need to turn on frequently and it cools down your water much faster.

As for sound, the current batch of Resun Chillers run quite silent other than the clicking sound when the compressor comes on and off - like those make by your household refridgerator.

Please note that CL650 does not mean consuming 650 W of power or CL450 consumes 450 W of power. The CL650 has a 1/4 hp compressor; 1 hp is equivalent to 746 W, so 1/4 hp is 186.5 W. Of course, you also need to factor in the power consumption of the chiller cooling fan and electronic circuit, but it will be nowhere near 650 W.

By the way, this is not the right thread to post your question; you should post in the Marine Equipment/Additive thread. Can Moderator move this thread please?

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If I ever buy a chiller it would be an artica... No point spending so much money on a chiller when it gives you problem with noise, etc. Best to get the best you can afford..if can't afford as yet then slowly then save for it. You'll save yourself from the trouble of upgrading/changing chillers later. ;)

Always something more important than fish.


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In terms of sound, resun is definitely noisier than artica.

electrical bill, i would say its purely depends on how long the chiller is working, on the average, its about an extra $30 - $50.

long term wise, artica is a titanium chiller, has 2 years warranty, and still would be quieter than resun, that is the advantange.

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  • SRC Member

resun cl-650 compared to artica or other high priced brands, i can afford to change one resun cl-650 every year for four years before i hit the price of the higher price units. therefore, unless the higher priced units can last 4 years without failure or servicing, i prefer to stick to resun, where i onli need for it to last 1 year. likely that it can last longer, so i can still realise some return when i sell at cheap cheap price. with the flexibility of changing yearly, i can scale the capacity accordingly instead of being stuck with one unit for 4 years.

so thats why i went with resun and with the new model, it is quiet. whatever sound it has is comparable to other chillers and normally drowned out by background noise, esp from sump, skimmer, etc.

thats my rationale but diff strokes for diff people.


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  • SRC Member
resun cl-650 compared to artica or other high priced brands, i can afford to change one resun cl-650 every year for four years before i hit the price of the higher price units. therefore, unless the higher priced units can last 4 years without failure or servicing, i prefer to stick to resun, where i onli need for it to last 1 year. likely that it can last longer, so i can still realise some return when i sell at cheap cheap price. with the flexibility of changing yearly, i can scale the capacity accordingly instead of being stuck with one unit for 4 years.

so thats why i went with resun and with the new model, it is quiet. whatever sound it has is comparable to other chillers and normally drowned out by background noise, esp from sump, skimmer, etc.

thats my rationale but diff strokes for diff people.


Whaa I love ur idea.

May be head down to get chiller rather than saving to get better one. :bow:

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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does that mean that Resun chillers will fail frequently? (etc. 1 year)

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  • SRC Member

Whaa I love ur idea.

May be head down to get chiller rather than saving to get better one. :bow:

Yes, the best part is you can even buy two and keep one as spare or swop for servicing every half a year. I think that will last even longer than though expensive brand chiller. The only setback maybe is the noise level only.

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resun cl-650 compared to artica or other high priced brands, i can afford to change one resun cl-650 every year for four years before i hit the price of the higher price units. therefore, unless the higher priced units can last 4 years without failure or servicing, i prefer to stick to resun, where i onli need for it to last 1 year. likely that it can last longer, so i can still realise some return when i sell at cheap cheap price. with the flexibility of changing yearly, i can scale the capacity accordingly instead of being stuck with one unit for 4 years.

so thats why i went with resun and with the new model, it is quiet. whatever sound it has is comparable to other chillers and normally drowned out by background noise, esp from sump, skimmer, etc.

thats my rationale but diff strokes for diff people.


totally agree..tats the same theory i apply :P

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I guess there is another factor that you guys never mentioned.

sure, you may have the capital to replace a new chiller should you get the chiller. but what about the hassle involved? changing of chillers, though is just take out hose and screw in hose, is still mafan as you must first carry the chiller home, turn pump off, fix this and that. and the amount of pespiration...wah liews. :P

what about the peace of mind that it may not give, as the parts may potentianlly wear out faster than the other makes? what if it decides to fail castrotophically on you when you went for a weekend getaway? not saying that the reliable chillers do not screw up as well, but the probability of that happening is much lower.

my five cents.

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And one point your guys forgot. Some of the cheaper chillers got not enough juice to cool down some guy's tank.

So it is not a matter of going high end or low end, can change once a year or whatever.

Or look at Bro Lvcap, the type of support he got?

Not pouring cold water but see what happened to bro lighting strike?

This is just my 0.5cents :P

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  • SRC Member

just to share my experience again with the reefers in here..

true...a resun cost only 1/4 or even lesser than the daeil i am using now..

i did consider daeil before i got the resun..but cost wise..i went for the resun..

guess u guys knew what happen..though i got a refund..but i spent at least 50-70 on taxi as i do not own a car...taking the chiller back and forth

and my experience has no baised slant..cos i used back the same pump for the daeil chiller..and put it in the same place initially to test the DIFFERENCE in efficiency and effectiveness...

there is a difference between efficiency and effectiveness..i hope u guys get the drift...

and i calculated a rough guide to the power bills..

this daeil shld cost me ard $15 at most per mth...but the resun? $30...

and i cant bring down my tank to 27.0 with the resun..

i agree that one shld use the resun if it happens to work..just like some of the bros in here who managed to cool their tanks down with resun..but u take the risk...

by the way..use a themoemeter to check the water temperature..dun rely on the thermostat in resun

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  • SRC Member

i bought a resun cl650 although my tank was only 2'x1'x14" and no sump.

It was working like a dream. I bought the big one because I know I was going to upgrade the tank to a 3ft tank soon. Alas, when I moved my livestock to the 3ft everything went crazy. 1 minute my thermostat reads 32 then the next is 24 then up again to 30 like ping pong lah, so my chiller goes on and off.

i don;t want to regret buying it, so i asked them to service it for me (since still under warranty). they took the unit today and hopefully will be returned tomorrow. I'll update you guys if there's any improvement.

Just to let you know, the resun cl650 is supposed to be able to cool down to 25 degrees anything less than 1000 liters. My tank water volume including sump is approx 500 liters only. No MH, 1 return pump (RIO Hyperflow), 1 Atman PS, 1 eden 214, a 2ft PL-T4 (i know, i still ordered leh) no MH. I'm using a 35 w pump with 1500lph flowrate with max 2.1 meters height (enough for my purpose).

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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  • SRC Member
resun cl-650 compared to artica or other high priced brands, i can afford to change one resun cl-650 every year for four years before i hit the price of the higher price units. therefore, unless the higher priced units can last 4 years without failure or servicing, i prefer to stick to resun, where i onli need for it to last 1 year. likely that it can last longer, so i can still realise some return when i sell at cheap cheap price. with the flexibility of changing yearly, i can scale the capacity accordingly instead of being stuck with one unit for 4 years.

so thats why i went with resun and with the new model, it is quiet. whatever sound it has is comparable to other chillers and normally drowned out by background noise, esp from sump, skimmer, etc.

thats my rationale but diff strokes for diff people.


for me, i'm uncomfortable with chillers drawing a lot of power not mainly because because of the monthly Util bills but the fact that our power supply can only support that much AMP safely.....I saw a fren that had 1000W++ in lights and pump and added in a 1.25HP chiller, end up house always power trip....(of course there might be also tons of electrical applicance in the house....but....)

so rather go for relaiable chiller then risking my tank crashing....

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  • SRC Member

Hmm any more comment on daeil chiller. :erm: ..

or howabout arctic vs daeil chiller ????

I plan to get daeil 1/4 hp or 1/3 hp for my 4ftx2.5ftx2.5ft. :huh: But thinking that will bigger hp chiller save more $$ than smaller hp chiller ? Esp bigger hp chiller will require higher current to run.

Any reefer comment on this issue??? :blink:

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i've used Resun CL450 for more 1 year, so far so good.( trouble-free) :whistle

It able to cool down my 4x2x2 tank to 26~27 degree without any problem.

A good chiller doesn't mean that it must be expensive & branded and Branded/expensive chiller also doesn't mean that it will be reliable. Nobody can guarantee expensive chiller wouldn't breakdown? may be due to manufacturer defect (that why 1 year warranty provided)? :evil:

To me, i personally feel that Resun chiller is good in term of price, and i'm happy with the performance so far. :lol:


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  • SRC Member
i've used Resun CL450 for more 1 year, so far so good.( trouble-free) :whistle

It able to cool down my 4x2x2 tank to 26~27 degree without any problem.

A good chiller doesn't mean that it must be expensive & branded and Branded/expensive chiller also doesn't mean that it will be reliable. Nobody can guarantee expensive chiller wouldn't breakdown? may be due to manufacturer defect (that why 1 year warranty provided)? :evil:

To me, i personally feel that Resun chiller is good in term of price, and i'm happy with the performance so far. :lol:

Same to me, my CL450 is cooling my 4x2x2 to 26 deg no problem, so far so good no compliant.

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