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Green hairy algae

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got a questions in order to answer you....

is ur tank new ?

products like rowa**** will not kill the algae.... it will remove the nutrients from the water therefore retarding thr growth of the algae and subsequently starving it to death......

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My tank is 7 month old.

So that meant eventually the algae will gone due to unable to get nutrient from the water as it removed by the Phosphate remover product. Am I rite to say that?

Phosphate Remover treat the symtoms not the cause.

Nuisance algae appears when there are excessively nuitrients due to overfeeding, poor water quality & poor nuitrient exports. Thus, if you improve on the above 3 items you will generally be able to keep it under control. ;)

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Phosphate Remover treat the symtoms not the cause.

Nuisance algae appears when there are excessively nuitrients due to overfeeding, poor water quality & poor nuitrient exports. Thus, if you improve on the above 3 items you will generally be able to keep it under control. ;)

NO2 reading is ok, phosphate lever unknown.

I will cut down feeding, but what else can I try to minimise the cause? also I saw lot bubble attach to the LR recently. Can phosphate remover product help in resolving this as well?

Any other thing can I try to resolve this?

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NO2 reading is ok, phosphate lever unknown.

I will cut down feeding, but what else can I try to minimise the cause? also I saw lot bubble attach to the LR recently. Can phosphate remover product help in resolving this as well?

Any other thing can I try to resolve this?

Increase your water flow loh. This will reduce 'dead spot' and thus eliminate your problem. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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