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Is 3xt5 (39w) Enough For Sps & Clam?

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  • SRC Member

Is 3xT5 (39W) enough for SPS & Clam for a 36 x 18 x 24 tank? Water depth is about 18". I am thinking of 1 white, 1 white-blue and 1 actinic blue.

Or should I be better getting 4xT5 (39W) in 2xwhite and 2 actinic blue combination?

Would 6xT5 (39W) be too much?


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maybe some clam experts.

but got some been keeping it alright with fluroscent..

u know, somehow it happens.. it does.

for myself I know dare venture when I got my MH..

won't want to hurt the clams..

they are so cutie..

guci.. guci.. :)

u can try placing them near the light source n monitor.

start with a cheap clam.

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dun think 3 t5's would be enuff for sps if u want a healthy growth and colouration.. 6 t5s would be a better choice... but if that's the case, i thought it's more feasible to invest in a 250w or 400w MH..even a 150w would be better IMO, supplementing it with actinics and such...

"Save a reef, grow your own"

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You should try it out and feedback your results in about 9 months.......whether you are sucessful or not.

If the clams and sps you are keeping are growing very well and maintaining their colours.............think alot of the guys here will switch to T5 from MH. Saves alot of money. :lol:

If you are unsucessful then you already know the result. :P

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  • SRC Member

BTW I've 9 X 39W T5 and it is not successful, even at 5 inch from water. Your SPS will survive and clam are fine as well, but you might end loosing some colors to some species. There's an option to overdrive it. In US, there are some reefers driving 54W to 80W or more? You might want to try over driving your 39W to 54W x 6 tubes = 324W ...that's a decent number to start with for SPS. I currently run 800W on my 3.5 X 2.2 x 2ft tank....lots of differences in coloration. If you are looking at hitting 10w/g, T5 are definitely short the VHO capability.


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  • SRC Member

hey i also want a clam and sps tank .

but intend to do a 36 x 22 x 25 tank[wat's recommended width?]

wan to use 3 T5 actinic + 1 T5 daylight[all 39 watts wan]

2 actinic frm 6.30-8am{for viewing]

1actinic +1daylight frm7.30-12noon[for photoperiod]

1 or 2 250watt DE MH frm 12-6pm[for photoperiod]

1actinic +1daylight frm6-7.30pm[for photoperiod]

2 actinic frm7.30-10.30pm[for viewing]

total photoperiod=12hrs

total lights on=16hrs

total electricity bills for lighting/31 days=$1.7+$2.3+$7.5/$15

=$$11.5/$19 only

total electricity bills for my 3ft only$50-%70++[cheap or not?] :blink:

any suggestion/comments for my lighting combinations

ANd my average E billls :D

does anyone think this combination would be successful?? :D:bow::thanks::thanks::thanks:

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  • SRC Member

Or maybe anyone think i should be using 400watts wan? :thanks:

6500k is it the blue one and 20kk is it the white one?

still so confused with lightings[catching up with more knowledge] :bow:


BTW T5 will produce considerabale amount os heat or not


i mean hot until chiller have to start working around 28deg C

planing to use Reef Relief...........

what's the wattage for 1/2 hp wan anyone know????? :thanks:


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Is 3xT5 (39W) enough for SPS & Clam for a 36 x 18 x 24 tank? Water depth is about 18". I am thinking of 1 white, 1 white-blue and 1 actinic blue.

Or should I be better getting 4xT5 (39W) in 2xwhite and 2 actinic blue combination?

Would 6xT5 (39W) be too much?


BTW for ultra maxis...... at least 250 watt of Mh is needed

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  • SRC Member

Coral Clam,

You lighting arrangement is so complicated. Is it worth the effort? You need lots of timers Also, your whole tank's top will be covered all around. Will heat from lights be trapped?

Why not just use actinic and MH. Actininc on and off one hour before MH and after MH?

For MH 2 x 250W is good enough for almost all things, even acro. Unless very special colours.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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Coral Clam,

You lighting arrangement is so complicated. Is it worth the effort? You need lots of timers Also, your whole tank's top will be covered all around. Will heat from lights be trapped?

Why not just use actinic and MH. Actininc on and off one hour before MH and after MH?

For MH 2 x 250W is good enough for almost all things, even acro. Unless very special colours.

yah maybe with what chris suggest you save more space

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