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Fire Pipefish


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I've had 2 fire pipefish in my tank for about 3 weeks already. They are quite shy. And I have not been feeding them anything. At night they can be seen prowling the tank and eating those small white organisms on my glass. So far I do not observe them losing weight. They seem rather happy on their current diet. Will this natural diet be good enough? They are not interested in thawed mysis or brine shrimp at all. Have not tried newly hatched bbs though...did'nt see a need. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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Never see a fire pipfish before, possible to have picture? Anyway, you need to feed them with newly hatched BS best enriched with selcon(right spelling?). I also keep pipe fishes together with my seahroses. Currentlt I got 1x normal banded, 1x multi banded, 1x Alligator, 1x Janss and not forgetting one trumpet. All accepting frozen mysis and newly hatched BS. :)

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Oh...both mine are Janns. Common names are very confusing. I was told they were called fire pipefish by the lady boss at LCK 110. Guess it's because they have orange body.

I have kept normal banded pipefish before also. Both died long ago due to whitespot. Only 1 accepted frozen mysis. The other one content with eating the stuff in my tank. Kept them alive for about 6 weeks before the stupid white spot set in.

Oh well..I got my Janns as I saw them swimming together. Thought they were a pair. Turns out they are both male! Oh well..lucky my tank long enough to break down some scuffling.

Don't you just hate the pipefish hiding in the liverocks during the day? Hardly see them out in the open at all! If got bluestripe pipefish tell me ok? :heh:

Always something more important than fish.


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How much you paid for the Janns ? I got it from Reb**on at cost $10/- each. I believe LCK*** is more Ex? I got the multi bannded from them which cost $12/-.

From the book, Janns is more diff. to keep than normal pipefish but funny, my readi accept forzen food from the 2nd day and till now, all my pipefish seldom hide in the LR, when I come near to the tank. They know is time for food.... May be just lucky. I'm also looking for bluestripe pipefish....same same ha....PM me if you see one..... :yeah:

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I bought my Janns from Re**** too. Also $10 for one. LCK was selling Janns for $15? Anyway..My Janns only appear more after my lights off...maybe my bright lights are blinding them during the day?

Today I caught my smaller Janns snatching up one mysis. Think the big one should follow suit in no time.

Btw...I bought a pair girdled pipefish (the one which looks more like an eel) to keep my lone girdled pipefish at home company. I bought a mated pair! They always stayed together. The male even had eggs on his belly. One weird thing though..they totally stayed around the same spot in the tank for days. They behaved very very differently from my other girdled pipefish in the tank. They were not even hunting for food...Just bumming around. After about 5 days both of them died. Sometimes I wonder how some fishes are caught and sold to Re****.

Just observe the $10 Moorish Idols and you know what I mean.

Anyway...i saw the multi-banded pipefish too. They still had 2 left on the day I went. But I did'nt have much $$ that day. So I just bought a $5 jawfish. :eyebrow:

Always something more important than fish.


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Oh..So that was you huh.. LoLx

Anyway..my tank current relatively slow at most areas. My pipefish love swimming below the rock. Girdled quite easy to keep. I had one stable one always hunting during the day. Lived in my tank for about 2 months before it recently mysteriously disappeared. Hope it is somewhere in there. Like last time my yellow watchman goby went missing for 3 weeks before reappearing like a magician!

Fishes are evil! :eyebrow:

Always something more important than fish.


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