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Suncoral for sale...


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  • SRC Member
v[edia,Aug 9 2004, 11:31 PM] haha.. i duno wat sort of light it need.. coz i feel like keep one sun coral.. look so nice.. my current light : 1x39wat PL daylight . 2x20watt FL blue . 1x20watt white

Your lights is more than enough....Sun Corals dun need lights :P

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  • SRC Member

A brother had given me 2 suncorals, one black and one orange. The black almost dying and the orange is thought to be dead. But after 2 weeks in my tank, the black suncoral starts to revive and the orange suncoral starts to stable down. Now, about 4 weeks, the black suncoral is growing well while the orange suncoral is starting to feed well and very stable. Both under moderate water current and MH lights.

But unfortunately, have to give back them when they are nice. Now have to get a suncoral myself and no time to collect from Rav-65 except on Sunday. I screwed up, cuz should collect today from his house but I didnt read his message. Worse is I was nearby his place today. :(

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