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Celebrating my 1000th post!


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after tuna...should be it liaoz...they either jumped up the stream and die of exhaustion or make their way to the sushi table ;):lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member

Maybe the Mods can confer the title 'Senior Member' to more knowledgeable reefers so that newbies like myself can get the proper advice from them when needed and not from ppl who dunt know what they are talking about or maybe trying to 'sabo' other ppl's setup with funky ideas which they themselves are too scared to try. This will be in addition to moderators.

What do you guys think?

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  • SRC Member
Maybe the Mods can confer the title 'Senior Member' to more knowledgeable reefers so that newbies like myself can get the proper advice from them when needed and not from ppl who dunt know what they are talking about or maybe trying to 'sabo' other ppl's setup with funky ideas which they themselves are too scared to try. This will be in addition to moderators.

What do you guys think?

Make the potential senior reefer candidates take an exam? :P


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http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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Yup!! :) or the wise turtle can interview him and ask 10 questions. The potential candidate will have to answer all 10 correctly to be conferred with the title... :)

that doesn't sound right. Imo no one in this hobbie is good enough to consider themselves pro... What we share here suppose to be mainly from website or from our experience.... The sea is so big and many things aren't discover yet thus IMO we still have alot to learnt... The fun part in this hobbie- you learnt things all the time

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IMO, having "Senior Members" like AlfaRemeo does have its advantages as it provides the exhausted Mods with breathing space. However, IMHO, Senior Membes should not be decided by the number of posts they have chalked up.... No offense to anyone, but it should be based on the person's knowledge, willingness to share, and attitude towards others.... dat would make a good Senior Member...

Juz my $0.02... :)

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member
Yup!! :) or the wise turtle can interview him and ask 10 questions. The potential candidate will have to answer all 10 correctly to be conferred with the title... :)

No Thank you.


Warning: Heavy handed moderator in operation. Threads and post are liable to be deleted or moved without prior notification.

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Any grievances or complains should be addressed to The Administrator.

http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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Hmmm.... I dun understand... There is no such thing as Senior Members based on the number of posts... you're all just named after creatures! :D

Dun get so hung up on looking at the number of posts to seek advice from the most talkative ones. A search using filters on members/show results as posts, will show you if most of the 'talking' done by a member is just rubbish or full of goodies.

And you have to also search back in time. A lot of good stuff from the 'senior'/more experience/more knowledgeable reefers who believe in sharing/teaching are all way back in time about two years ago... some of them are silent now due to boredom/tired/no time/lack of interest/lack of kakis etc.

Of course, a lot of intermediate reefers then have learned and advanced into the hobby over time, so they have actually taken up the slack/relieved the original bunch these days by sharing info which are actually repeated stuff (another reason why some 'oldies' including myself are quite tired of repeating).

Perhaps we mods should take the time to archive 'old nuggets' of info into more detailed categories just to make serving the newbies/newcomers into SRC a lot easier for them and us?

As DA says, there is no real authority/guru in SG (like there is no official Tang Police :P) ... yet knowledge is one thing, proper application is another. Experience also plays a part. Anyone can be perceived as a guru but so what?

A guru is also called a teacher.

It's pointless to have high standards of reefing-keeping and not share the knowledge and just look in and smirk and not contribute. I'm surprised to learn that we have people who have more than a decade of reefkeeping experience but they don't like to/don't want to share with other reefers.

At the risk of 'preaching' again.... SRC was created for the community to come together and SHARE and LEARN from one another.

Let's continue to do what we can as individuals FOR the club and not expect the club to SERVE us all the time. Not just to TAKE but to GIVE! :) As long as you can mentor even ONE person in reefkeeping, you're his 'guru' or 'sifu'! :lol:

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Hmmm.... I dun understand... There is no such thing as Senior Members based on the number of posts... you're all just named after creatures! :D

Dun get so hung up on looking at the number of posts to seek advice from the most talkative ones. A search using filters on members/show results as posts, will show you if most of the 'talking' done by a member is just rubbish or full of goodies.

And you have to also search back in time. A lot of good stuff from the 'senior'/more experience/more knowledgeable reefers who believe in sharing/teaching are all way back in time about two years ago... some of them are silent now due to boredom/tired/no time/lack of interest/lack of kakis etc.

Of course, a lot of intermediate reefers then have learned and advanced into the hobby over time, so they have actually taken up the slack/relieved the original bunch these days by sharing info which are actually repeated stuff (another reason why some 'oldies' including myself are quite tired of repeating).

Perhaps we mods should take the time to archive 'old nuggets' of info into more detailed categories just to make serving the newbies/newcomers into SRC a lot easier for them and us?

As DA says, there is no real authority/guru in SG (like there is no official Tang Police :P) ... yet knowledge is one thing, proper application is another. Experience also plays a part. Anyone can be perceived as a guru but so what?

A guru is also called a teacher.

It's pointless to have high standards of reefing-keeping and not share the knowledge and just look in and smirk and not contribute. I'm surprised to learn that we have people who have more than a decade of reefkeeping experience but they don't like to/don't want to share with other reefers.

At the risk of 'preaching' again.... SRC was created for the community to come together and SHARE and LEARN from one another.

Let's continue to do what we can as individuals FOR the club and not expect the club to SERVE us all the time. Not just to TAKE but to GIVE! :) As long as you can mentor even ONE person in reefkeeping, you're his 'guru' or 'sifu'! :lol:

Hey I am an official tang police hahah check out RC tang police franchise... It has my name in their list ;););)

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Hey I am an official tang police hahah check out RC tang police franchise... It has my name in their list   

wait till they see the number of tangs in your tank..... :lol::lol::evil:

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wait till they see the number of tangs in your tank..... :lol::lol::evil:

I am under them but I carry out different duty.. My ex duty was same as them to arrest ppl with too many tangs but as time past i can't seem to make anyone quit their love from tangs.. in fact the love seem to get stronger and then i was affected... now since you can't persuade them join them :lol::lol::lol:

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