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Maroon Crown nipping on Anemone

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  • SRC Member

I introduce a bubble tip anemone into my tank today and instead of living on it my maroon crown is nipping on it.

Is this normal when I first introduce the anemone into the tank?

I'm afraid the crown will stress out the anemone with his nipping.

Should I remove the crown?



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contrary to what a lot of people think..not all clownfishes will appreciate and take very good care of anemones that host them...

some maroon clownfishes may be too rough with the anemones and eventually kills them by damaging them..you have a case there. mostly hit and miss, there are people out there that has maroon clownfish that appreciate the animal.

similarly...some anemone may just chew up the clownfish..like carpet anemone ;)

removing or not...your call ;)

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  • SRC Member

I'm observing it more now. looks like the nipping stops but instead of staying in the middle it's trying to squeeze into the side of the anemone and causes it to close up.

I might just remove the maroon clown and get a tomato or common clown, hopefully they will appreaciate it better. :lol:

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good point...can bring back to the shop you bought the maroon clown and trade for a couple of ocellaris clownfishes ;)

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Nipping is expected of maroon clowns. I've had a maroon clown which actually ate the tentacles of the anemone after biting them off. And I mean ATE...it did'nt spit it out at all. :pinch:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Can we know what is the size of your anemone and your clownfish? What is recommended your anemone is 3 times larger than your clownfish.

It is normal for maroon clown to squeeze himself through anemone and to suck the tentacles of the anemone from time to time even my percula is doing that, but eating the tentacles luckily I've never encountered.

Another way you can do is separate the maroon clown and let the anemone fully acclimatized into your tank before putting them together again.

Tomato clown is almost the same as aggressive as the maroon clown and for common clown you have 50/50 chances to host bubble tip anemone.

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  • SRC Member

Ya my anemone is about 3 times the size of my crown.

Here's a pic taken from the top view while the anemone is moving so it's not really the exact size.


I been observing it the whole nite, it seems to be ok now. Will keep on observing it for a bit more.

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  • SRC Member

Mine clown almost my anemone too this mornin when i woke up.

The anemone skrink to the size of the clown and look so stressed, had to separate the clown from it.

Now it's back to normal.

Will bring the clown to the LFS later then wait a few more days before introducing new clown.


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