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26-29.3c .......Is it too wide a fluctuation?


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  • SRC Member


Was wondering is 26c to 29c too huge a temp. fluctuation?

I do have a chiller but am trying to save some electricity by alternating the chiller (on at night when my MH is on) and fan (on in the day with only my sump light and UV on).........

My chiller is set at 25c and will be off after the MH is off....5pm to 2am......then my FL light for the sump and UV light will be on with the fan......3am to 5pm......

But I notice my main tank temp went up to as high as 29.4c!!!!

Kind of worried about my LS!!! Any advise or comments or similar experience?

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  • SRC Member

hmmm......I am keeping LPS & soft corals......

I lost a clam few days back when a power socket which power the chiller, FL & 2 MH light tripped.

Today I just DIY a fan to put in the sump and was testing it with the chiller off.... <_< .....the main tank temp shoot up to 29.4c......

Sigh......thought can use the fan to replaced the chiller when the MH is off...... :(

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  • SRC Member

Then seems like the fan isn't working then. Thats bad. Btw it was a good idea to schedule the chiller to work with MH or it would draw loads of current! Btw how did your socket trip? Any reasons, overloaded?

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I believe it is overloaded......now I staggered the 2 MH & 6 actinic PL lights...... <_<

I was thinking to move my DIY fan to blow on the main tank instead on the sump tank.....hmmm..... :unsure:

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  • SRC Member

Yeah, I think that may help cool it better. Cause the water in the sump would also be going through pumps that would perhaps warm it up a little. Think just get to the root of it which is the tank. Blow your main tank would be a good option, but it would be unsightly and also noisier than being in the cabinet. Just my thought... ;)

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  • SRC Member

yup....I guess I will try relocating the fan to the main tank.......then monitor the temp fluctuation again....... <_<

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  • SRC Member

If you have the fan blowing on the surface of the water .. be prepared for evaporation loss!

Btw, how much are you intending to save on the electricity bill?


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  • SRC Member

hmmm.....I dont know how much I can save :huh: ....thats why I am trying to twist and turn....... :unsure:

Leaving the fan on for 24hrs will have too much water loss to evaporation........ :fear:

I was only thinking of replacing the chiller with fan when my MH is off......... :rolleyes:

Hmmm......just relocated to the main tank.....lets see how is the temp fluctuation tomorrow.....kekeke :erm:


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The more evaporation the better. Your tank temperature will be able to drop much further. A fan in the sump is really useless as it won't prevent heat from being transmitted to the water surface by the lights. Best is to have the fan blow on the surface of your display tank to prevent heat transfer to the water by lights. You'll get a nice rippling effect too...just like MH. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

kekeke...............after relocating the fan to the main tank the temp currently is pretty stable at 28.7.......therefore the range is 26.3-28.7........ :P ....approx 2+ degree range......think should be ok......

Lets see next month how is my electricity bills.........last month was $200+/-......before this, with my 2 feet tank (with 1x150w MH & 1/10hp chiller) was $150+/- and previous month was $250!!!! (3x150w MH & 1HP & 1X200W return pump) .......<_<

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  • SRC Member
kekeke...............after relocating the fan to the main tank the temp currently is pretty stable at 28.7.......therefore the range is 26.3-28.7........ :P ....approx 2+ degree range......think should be ok......

is 28.7 on the high side :huh: any bros care to comment... if its ok i'll tune it 1 degree higher for my tank to cut down bill......... :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

Ok, not bad result, thanks for the update kschew! So you mean your tank is 28.7C when your MH and chiller are off and the fan is on right? :)

But I think 28.7C is still too high for corals. A 27C would be better. Btw what 1/10HP chiller you use for your 2ft? :peace:

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  • SRC Member
Ok, not bad result, thanks for the update kschew! So you mean your tank is 28.7C when your MH and chiller are off and the fan is on right? :)

But I think 28.7C is still too high for corals. A 27C would be better. Btw what 1/10HP chiller you use for your 2ft? :peace:

Resun lor......noisy little fellow but very good......in fact the fact that I am using now is from that chiller.....I replaced it after I bought it 2nd hand from another reefer......

28.7c still high??........hmmm.......thats the lowest the temp can go with the fan......so far my corals looks ok.......but donno long terms wise is it ok?....will have to see as times pass.... ;)

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i run 2 x fan across my main tank 24/7.. and so far it's keeping at 27 to 27.9 and my chiller (28 then on) has hardly been on since then. Something for days my chiller never even on at all..

there is alot of evaporation but i'm not worry about it as I'm using auto-water top-up

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  • SRC Member
i run 2 x fan across my main tank 24/7.. and so far it's keeping at 27 to 27.9 and my chiller (28 then on) has hardly been on since then. Something for days my chiller never even on at all..

there is alot of evaporation but i'm not worry about it as I'm using auto-water top-up

hmmm.....thats a great idea.....but even with your MH lights on??? Can using the fan maintain at 27-28??

I guess I will get another fan to blow from the right.....kekeke :evil: .....but then have to get a auto topup huh..... <_< ....decision .....decision......hmmmm :unsure:

I wonder is it worth all these trouble just to save a few dollars on electricity bills??? Sigh!.......

Allan....did you achieve your objective by using fans, chiller and auto top up?? Appreciate your advise..... :lol:;)

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yup I achieve after alot after moving the fan here and there to get the best effect..

be4 my 650watt MH on, the tank is keep at around 26.7 to 27.1. When MH on temp will reach highest 27.9 but if it hit 28 be4 my 1st MH off then no choice chiller will kick in (but cool very fast too)... but so far after the new location of my fans for 1 week my chiller never kick in..

a note to add, my Mh is very near water around 4" above water only...

As for water top-up.. advise u to use auto-top up cause evaporation is alot.. e.g. within 3-4 days my 3ft by 5" by 2ft water container will reach almost empty.

an auto top-up not that ex la.. compare to how much u need to pay for the chiller bill.. u save 2 months can buy one tubby and then save your bill for months and many more..

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