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Is STN ? Help

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  • SRC Member

I tookover this guy yesterday from one of our successful reefer here.

When I reach home, I mix my water with water in the plastic bag for about 30 min and put in to my tank.

After a few hour I realize there are some white color. ( I am not so sure there are white before I purchase or not ).

Since yesterday, situation is still the same.

my tank parameter

PH 8.3

Kh 5

Ca 500++ ( Reducing from 700 )

NO2 0.01

NO3 10-20PPM

I have a few colonies and lot of frags , all seem to be alright and same as before.

My question would be ,

1. If it is confirm STN, do I need to move out this guy ?

2. Is STN sperade ? Because I have another SPS next to him on same rock and very very close, however that SPS poly are expending since I place him in the tank.


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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IMHO, from the pix it is STN, but however, it can be deceiving. observe ur sps. if RTN, sure to be gone in a matter of hours or days. STN will not spread. juz observe the areas turning white. there r a few ways to stop it. frag it, apply superglue on the STN base or administer a dip using lugol's solution.

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Kh 5, Ca 500+ reducing from 700, N03 10-20PPM.

Suggest you read up on keeping SPS, put into practice and get your tank in order before you try any more frags

No one is perfect. I am practing and I didn't say I am good in SPS nor Reef.

I'd posted my reading from my tank, so with experience person may able to point out what could be wrong other than parameter.

I'd said that I just get it yesterday and I'd puted my reading.

I knew my NO3 is high, so what do you want me to do ? mess water change ? that will stress them more.

So did I have choice ?

Here all of us, everyone is learning everyday. I don't think everyone here has success since day1. Everyone go throught the cycle of failure and success.

I am here to learn and not to get disappointed remark from senior or whoever and so does all the newbies.


Just for you to think.


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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IMHO, from the pix it is STN, but however, it can be deceiving. observe ur sps. if RTN, sure to be gone in a matter of hours or days. STN will not spread. juz observe the areas turning white. there r a few ways to stop it. frag it, apply superglue on the STN base or administer a dip using lugol's solution.

Hey not going out ? Haa haa

I will think of fraging if getting worse. So far I have never frag b4 and u r not in SG geez who should I ask for ?

Now, it's more than 40hrs and look excetly same, I am bit puzzle.

Will STN take weeks ?

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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u can fragged those frags that r healthy. but i will leave it till it is the last resort. coz fragging cause more stress and geezzzz!!! plz juz get along guys....... dun wanna c any more bad blood..... enuff has been spilled oredi for the recent few mths. :(

bro minsmarine, maybe IanJ was juz trying to help, and u should really try to get ur parameters right. ;)

juz me 2 cents. :D

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Thank LS,

I's stated that I need help not someone to tell me to go and read.

Someone get car accident and rush to A&E, when reach to A&E the doctor said "Ur driving is wrong , go and test ur driving skill b4 u come to A&E"

I knew my parameter were not right, but don't forget all others are doing fine excet that one and I'd stated that it might be before I get it ( I didn't check till reach home ).

And I do know NO3 is consider very high for SPS, but I am putting this guy and no tested b4 getting one.

Should be telling what could be wrong or nothing.

I am not perfect and never said that I'm perfect. If u read back my post , I'd stated all the fact.

My CA wwas 700, due to overdosage and coral chip addon at the same time. I believe most of u know. I did even ask for help , how to reduce.

We are here to share what we have learn from experience. If need to read ( reading never perfect, I read lot about STN/RTN but never encounter b4 and this is first time ) I am not even sure whether STN. Why I don't even sure STN and trace SPS as STN and it is not STN than what could be the result.

Thank LS.

Cheer, don't forget u need to work tomorrow while we don't need to :D

Happy National Day

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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hmmm...... getting ur parameters right will be the 1st priority. ;)

:off: and yes i do hv to work 2moro. :( but i do hv summer vacation coming up in japan from the 14th to the 22nd August. :D

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

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Certain sps are hardier than others and may be able to withstand less than ideal water conditions, while others will show signs of stress within minutes or hours.

From the pics you posted, it appears like the sps colony is showing signs of calcium carbonate precipitation (CaCO3). STN and thinning of tissue may be early symptoms. This is possibly due to an ionic imbalance in your tank - the very high calcium concentration may be causing precipitation of CaCO3.

If there is indeed an imbalance, do several water changes to dilute this imbalance.

minsmarine, to help us help you better, perhaps you could share with us you tank husbandry and more details on your tank setup. Just going by your water parameters alone, your tank does not appear ready for sps.

One more thing, please try to refrain from using all caps in your posts. I believe IanJ was merely pointing out specific water parameters that in his opinion are not conducive for sustaining sps. He was just being brief and to the point in his suggestion. :peace:


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juz to add, i think doing several water changes might help, but plz make sure to spread it out over a period of time and not do several water changes in a day!!! juz to make clear. ;)

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

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Thank for all ur help.

So far, that SPS is still the same as for now.

However poly start comming out yesterday night after MH was offed.

And compared to RTN ( I'd one colonies is STN to RTN, it's already STN when I get it and knows that going to be RTN , but bring home cause I want to see with my own eyes how RTN look likt, it's excetly as AT said , thank AT )

Danno, thank for guiding me and well appreciated. I'd learned something from u.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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