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Need Help For Setting Up a new Marine Tank

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Hi all Bro's and Sis's :D

I m new to this marine hobby. (I have experince in fresh water fish keeping though :nc: ) Thinking of setting up my own marine tank with corals, live rocks and fishes. I m very patient and intent to do it very slowly... But I need plenty of advices. Pls shower me with many comments and suggestions. Thanks!! :thanks:

Currently, I have a tank of dimension 90cm(leng) 45cm(breadth) 45(ht). I have read from a marine book that i should use aragonitic soil to make the bed. But it's very ex rt?? :pinch: Can i use normal grade #0 or #1 coral sand instead? Will it make any difference?

May i know where can i get good liverocks to set up my aquarium?? Can recommend me some of the shops u all visited? Do I need to turn on the aquarium lights during the cylcing period??

I also need to purchase a protein skimmer and a good lighting system. (thinks my normal 3ft FL tube won't be sufficient :P ) Any good recommendation, approx cost and where i can get them?

I am using an ASTRO external caninster filter (model 2210) handles 1000L /hr. Will this flow create a sufficient current for marine fish tank. Do I still need to purchase an addition powerhead?

Thanks very much for giving me ur attention. :bow: I will be browsing thru this forum to learn more things on marine keeping. This a real good forum for beginners like me!! :P:P:P

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Can i use normal grade #0 or #1 coral sand instead? Will it make any difference?

yes u can, wait patiently for it to mature. u need at least 4" DSB to hv it to work.

May i know where can i get good liverocks to set up my aquarium??

u can get from CF, hv very nice coralline algae growth on their LRs. u can oso try some of SRC sponsors.

Do I need to turn on the aquarium lights during the cylcing period??

no u dun, but no harm done if u do.

I also need to purchase a protein skimmer and a good lighting system. (thinks my normal 3ft FL tube won't be sufficient ) Any good recommendation, approx cost and where i can get them?

these depend on what kind of set up u plan to go into in the future. if u intend to go for sps, clams or other more TLC corals, then u should go for MH or T5s, but along with it, a chiller is highly recommended. u can get a good 2nd needlewheel or spray injection skimmer to start off with, gradually upgrading to a beckett (like what many other reefers r doing now). again, it all depends on what u wanna keep and ur budget. for approx quotations on lights and skimmers, u can always read up the pasar malam thread.

I am using an ASTRO external caninster filter (model 2210) handles 1000L /hr. Will this flow create a sufficient current for marine fish tank. Do I still need to purchase an addition powerhead?

with the coral chips in the cannister filter, it will become a nitrate factory in no time. i do believe u need a stronger return pump. as for more powerheads, still depends on what u wanna keep. but will be highly recommended.

:) i strongly advise u to read up more in the newbies section b4 u start. there is quite a lot of useful info there for most of ur qns.

;) happy reefing.

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

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  lightningstrike said:

Can i use normal grade #0 or #1 coral sand instead? Will it make any difference?

yes u can, wait patiently for it to mature. u need at least 4" DSB to hv it to work.

May i know where can i get good liverocks to set up my aquarium??

u can get from CF, hv very nice coralline algae growth on their LRs. u can oso try some of SRC sponsors.

Do I need to turn on the aquarium lights during the cylcing period??

no u dun, but no harm done if u do.

I also need to purchase a protein skimmer and a good lighting system. (thinks my normal 3ft FL tube won't be sufficient ) Any good recommendation, approx cost and where i can get them?

these depend on what kind of set up u plan to go into in the future. if u intend to go for sps, clams or other more TLC corals, then u should go for MH or T5s, but along with it, a chiller is highly recommended. u can get a good 2nd needlewheel or spray injection skimmer to start off with, gradually upgrading to a beckett (like what many other reefers r doing now). again, it all depends on what u wanna keep and ur budget. for approx quotations on lights and skimmers, u can always read up the pasar malam thread.

I am using an ASTRO external caninster filter (model 2210) handles 1000L /hr. Will this flow create a sufficient current for marine fish tank. Do I still need to purchase an addition powerhead?

with the coral chips in the cannister filter, it will become a nitrate factory in no time. i do believe u need a stronger return pump. as for more powerheads, still depends on what u wanna keep. but will be highly recommended.

:) i strongly advise u to read up more in the newbies section b4 u start. there is quite a lot of useful info there for most of ur qns.

;) happy reefing.

u can get from CF, hv very nice coralline algae growth on their LRs. u can oso try some of SRC sponsors.

Sorry eh, may i know wat is CF?? where is it?

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CF is coral farm.

address is here.


;) happy reefing. btw, u can get some LRs from the pasar malam thread in SRC. prices differs quite a lot though, quality-wise u hv to judge for urself.

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

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lightningstrike, thks for ur suggestion.

flubberina13, thks for the thread link. I have finished reading it. Very informative to a newbie like me ;)

I have just purchased live sand and live rock and now i am starting the cycling process. Meanwhile I m still sourcing for cheap and good protein skimmers and lighting systems.

Can anyone tell me where can i get a needlewheel skimmer?

Also, which kind of lightning system is better T5 or PL? I have checked that both produce the same lighting intensity of 10,000K.. :blink: so which is better? :huh:

Any suggestions from experienced reefers to recommend me?


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u can source for the skimmers and lights in pasar malam like i said. since u hv juz started, u can afford to be patient. as for the lights, think u hv the wrong idea abt it. plz read the lighting thread below.


Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

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Lightingstrike, can enlighten me which part i got wrong?? The forum led by Achilles Tang is too much scientific info liao... I read twice still not very sure of the main gist.. :huh:

Can anyone tell me where can i get a needlewheel skimmer?

Also, which kind of lightning system is better T5 or PL? I have checked that both produce the same lighting intensity of 10,000K..  so which is better?

Maybe my comparison of T5 and PL is not fair cos I based my judgement on the lighting systems sold at at LFS shop. Can tell me which would be better in the long run.. (i dun think i could choose MH cos most MH needs to be hanging types (am i correct?), but my tank ht clearance to install MH is not enough...)

Pls enlighten me. :(

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intensity and color temp r totally 2 diff thingy. in the long run, it depends on ur budget and what u intend to keep. there r MH that can be clip on (like mine! :D) and there r those that comes with brackets that can be mounted onto the tank. some MH fixtures can oso sit nicely on ur tank's canopy. T5s and MH will ne a good choice.

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

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You mean a combination of both T5 and MH?? Act my budget is not very much... still a student at Uni.. :(:(:( but i am prepare to put in ard $300 for a quite good one. Can show me pics of ur MH clip on's? How much would it cost?

I intent to rear marine fish and a few coral first and slowly change it to a mix of more corals and fishes. But i am prepared to go real slow.... ;) Any suggestions? :huh:

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a combination will be good, but not a must. marcvelous and nicky 30092002 both hv good sets of MH for sale at good prices in the pasar malam.

pix of my lights can be accessed from my signature's link to my tank webbie. it cost abt $600 to $800 for 2. ;)

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

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Hi all, me too.. just setup my 3ft tank on 4/8/04..

So can i ask 1 question.. when can i add the liveRock into the tank?

Currently, i just put the small piece of prawn for the ANN cycle..

nothing inside the tank only sand and prawn.. so when can i add in the LR?

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  Zappy Kiwi said:
You mean a combination of both T5 and MH?? Act my budget is not very much... still a student at Uni.. :(:(:( but i am prepare to put in ard $300 for a quite good one. Can show me pics of ur MH clip on's? How much would it cost?

Clip-on are very expensive, 400-500...$300 would be more then enough if you DIY. If you still in the Uni, maybe you can get some of your engineering friends to help.

As you are on a budget, i suggest you DIY T5, our TOM winner was using T5 and he has a very impressive tank, you might want some tips from him....anyway, with T5, you might just get away without a chiller, with MH, you will definately need to run a chiller....

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  jack27 said:
so that mean i can add in all the LR into my 4 days tank now?

i plan to add in about 15KG of LR.. pls advice.. thX..

OR i need to wait amonia and nitrate reach 0 1st?

Like bro. lightningstrike said, it will kick another cycling process. Add ur LRs now. ;)

BTW happy cycling. ;)

Bevor Sie das Licht sehen, müssen Sie sterben!

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  jack27 said:
If i add all the LR... would all the creatures in the LR die?

Due to the water still not muture? sorry... newbie here...

basically, that's what cycling is all abt. get it over and done with once and for all. for addition of corals wait till u achieve zero readings in ammonia and NO2. bound to hv some NO3 readings. do a 20 to 30% water change then slowly add in LS and relative easy maintenance corals first. ;)

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

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