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Selling items for cheap


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Can refer to my older posts for photos. It’s spring cleaning time for the year, just want to clear the items to free up space.


Lowest prices out here.


1. Neptune Apex set $500

- Used

- EB6 (black)

- 2016 Apex Head unit

- ph probe

- orp probe

- salinity probe

- temp probe (yes I managed to find it in the storeroom)

- Add on Neptune magnetic probe holder for $25


2. Upflow Algae Scrubber (UAS) for up to 500 litres tank $80

- Brand new never touch water

- comes with 2500litre pump and all accessories

- comes with acrylic hang on brackets as well


3. Fauna Marin light balling - $20

- >50% left

- KH,Mg,Ca (1kg bottles, more than 500g left per bottle)

- Trace element 1, 2, 3


Bundle sales, everything for $588. Deliver to your doorstep.


Also thinking of selling my Reefwave 25. Have 2 pieces, $200 each.


If bundle with everything above, $900. Great deal for people coming into the hobby :)

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