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Choosing healthy Eels

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  • SRC Member

I read it from some web, it mentioned, there is only good/bad condition eel. If you see the eel seem healthly most likely it is.....(a bit lame i know)

Personally i will ask the owner to feed it as a demo. If it is feeding well and there are no visible injury should be alright. IMO i will choose those thick and fat fat one.

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  • SRC Member

be careful with eels,they can inflict a painful bite.they are known to be escape artists too.make sure u have a suitable hood.IME,if the eel show intrest in objects that are in the water,eg your hand or a net or live feeder fish,they are generally ok.look out for specimens which appear "lazy" or gasping (although blue ribbon eels gash all the time)

my 2 rupiah worth.

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Eel are known to be relatively "bullet proof"... it can survive murky waters - just look at the number of eels caught along bedok jetty is a good gauge.

When u look at then, sometimes they have gaping mouth like struggling to breath. This is pretty normal. Just make sure there are no visible injuries on the body, eyes. It should do well in your tank. Ensure you got a deep enuff sand bed as it will burrow and burrow....if not can add PVC pipes into the sand...

it will eat almost everything, just that it is severly myopic. need to bring the food right up to their mouth b4 they can sense it. Although they got a wonderful sense of smell so they rely on tat to hunt.

I have got a snowflake eel...intended to sell it away as it is getting too big for my tank....so i captured it and put it into my sump. But at night, it escaped and died on my floor :cry2: . So its reputation as a escape artist is not to be ignored. However, i have no problem with that when it is in my main tank (3x1.5x1.5)

hope this help.


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