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WTB Beginner coral

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On 5/25/2022 at 8:27 PM, Ghetghud said:

Unfortunately no corals to sell but whats your set-up and parameters? At least can help you narrow down ur choices



currently water parameters are good. I haven't tested for cal , mag and phosphate. waiting for my kit to come. 

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What's ur lighting and are you running chiller and a ato? Small tank can crash pretty easy if essential parameters not stable. Easy coral would be leathers, mushroom, zoas*, gsp, zenia. Zoa a bit hit or miss, I suggest getting some cheap ones first to try. Best to buy from reefers since their coral already stable. When you feel more comfortable probably can try LPS.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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I have quite alot of zoas for sale atm. Find me on telegram: ohmyxuan


Owner: https://t.me/xyzreefemporium telegram chat, friends only chat if you're keen :)

IG: www.instagram.com\xyzreefer to see my tank updates :) 

♡ Always looking for more corals and friends in reefing ♡



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