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Any1 got a great excuse to give in court?


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  • SRC Member

Anything above 150 revoke license unless you have a very very very solid excuse and usually the judge not very forgiving even if u have a very solid reason...

Got once my fren was ferrying his sick mum to the hospital and was stopped by TP and summoned to court. The judge commented that my fren is not driving an ambulance so no need to speed so much and he got 18 points and $700. He was going at about 145km/h

Furthermore u r a P plate... so its not looking very good for u now

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TP rarely catch cars for illegal modifications. unless it is bloody obvious *blow off valve in a Civic, etc.*

apart from that, the guys who catch mods will be the task force team aka LTA.

and SMSing whilst driving is also a chargeable offence. most likely confiscation of handphone and a few demerit points. I think similar to using handphone charge.

bottom line is. don't speed in Singapore. we have a small road space that is filled with many kan chiong spider type of drivers. unnecessary speeding may cause them to do something stupid, like swerving out when unnecessary, or braking prematurely. all these insane actions can lead to serious consequences. you may be an expert driver but the person behind the wheel in the car behind yours may be one heck of a nervous wreck.

I have an experience on where a driver *lady driver some more. :P* swerved into my lane just because a car flew past the right hand side of her car. luckily for me I was taking my damn sweet time to drive, and was able to react accordingly.

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  • SRC Member

Kiss ur class 3 goodbye spidey. Coz u r nt safe to be on the road> Speeding, using ur mobilephone while driving, not displayin u r probation driver......Summon to court oreadi mean ur licence is 99% return back to Govt. :evil:

A piece of advise, if u wanna waste ur life away. Dun take others along with u. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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Kiss ur class 3 goodbye spidey. Coz u r nt safe to be on the road> Speeding, using ur mobilephone while driving, not displayin u r probation driver......Summon to court oreadi mean ur licence is 99% return back to Govt. :evil:

A piece of advise, if u wanna waste ur life away. Dun take others along with u. ;)


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  • SRC Member
Kiss ur class 3 goodbye spidey. Coz u r nt safe to be on the road> Speeding, using ur mobilephone while driving, not displayin u r probation driver......Summon to court oreadi mean ur licence is 99% return back to Govt. :evil:

A piece of advise, if u wanna waste ur life away. Dun take others along with u. ;)

wah lau mr. policeman,dun be so harsh to him lahz..he already very stress..and when will this anti-speeding campaign last until?give us some insider info lahz..hehe..joking joking... :P

spidy,better drive carefully lahz,s'pore roads not worth it lahz...thats what the traffic policeman told me when i got caught...now i drive like tortoise...

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  • SRC Member

Although traffic violation is none of my concern but having personally seen some case photos and sad to see innocent fatalities cause by traffic offenders. When u lose control, fellow road users or bystanders r the innocent parties coz they didn do anythin to deserve tis. Imagine hittin the sole bread winner of a family. :(

Tats y i said, dun put other's life at stake coz u nvr knw when shit happens.

Spidey bro, not being hash with u. Hope u get wat i m tryin to relay to u. ;)

Be a man, broke the law then be prepared to face it no point finding excuses.

Btw, m_c. Dun be too bothered with the campaign. With 3 points, u cn't afford to violate any. :P Like u said, drive like tortoise so frm wat i c, u will be alrite until ur points get adjusted then mayb u can try to be a repeat offender. :evil::lol:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
Although traffic violation is none of my concern but having personally seen some case photos and sad to see innocent fatalities cause by traffic offenders. When u lose control, fellow road users or bystanders r the innocent parties coz they didn do anythin to deserve tis. Imagine hittin the sole bread winner of a family. :(

Tats y i said, dun put other's life at stake coz u nvr knw when shit happens.

Spidey bro, not being hash with u. Hope u get wat i m tryin to relay to u. ;)

Be a man, broke the law then be prepared to face it no point finding excuses.

Btw, m_c. Dun be too bothered with the campaign. With 3 points, u cn't afford to violate any. :P Like u said, drive like tortoise so frm wat i c, u will be alrite until ur points get adjusted then mayb u can try to be a repeat offender. :evil::lol:

Be a man, broke the Law then be prepared to face it no point finding the excuses


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  • SRC Member

My mum-in-law close friend just got knock on the road ... it appears in the newspaper ...I think about 3 days back..


It was raining heavily - The lady alight the bus with her friend. As the bus was still at the bus-stop picking up passengers , her friend walk to the front of the bus and the lady walk to the rear of the bus. Her friend crossed the road and turned back but he didn't find his lady friend on this side of the road .. turning back further ..he saw her friend being hit real hard ...immediately.. she flew up in the air .... and landed on the the back of her head. There was alot of blood.... At the point her heart stopped beating ......A bystander ... rushed over and gave a mouth to mouth resuscitation...

The ambulance came and brought her to the hospital ... minutes later she was pronounced brain dead and passed over almost less than an hour.

Her male friend was shaken .... and cry in the workplace ... almost everyday ....as they go to work everyday taking the same bus and the same road ...

It is very shocking to hear such news .... even though it is the lady's fault to crossed the road recklessly .. as i believe some pedestrian will cross the road when there is oncoming cars ... But what I don't understand is how come the driver didn't see her ... I also heard from my in-law that the driver drove away immediately ... but drove back after some time...

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  • SRC Member

surfadelic. hit by bike or car. It was a totally empty expressway at 2.45am. doubt any families will be taking a stroll in the centre lane . im such a cautious driver . i love finding excuses. its fun to challenge life and see what u can get away with . just for fun

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  • SRC Member
surfadelic. hit by bike or car. It was a totally empty expressway at 2.45am. doubt any families will be taking a stroll in the centre lane . im such a cautious driver . i love finding excuses. its fun to challenge life and see what u can get away with . just for fun

She was hit by a car.

Fun is fun but I am also wondering whether the person behind the wheels can find any excuse in this case. Even if he had ... he wouldn't feels good

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surfadelic. hit by bike or car. It was a totally empty expressway at 2.45am. doubt any families will be taking a stroll in the centre lane . im such a cautious driver . i love finding excuses. its fun to challenge life and see what u can get away with . just for fun

Still remember many yrs ago the honda civic who was speeding at 180km/h on a empty ECP at ard 5am in the morning. Turn into tanjong katong rd which is supposed to be empty too but end up one NSF was there and was kissed headon and died on the spot.

Think twice before you speed lah. Get caught already then be prepared to face the music. Got guts to do it so have the guts to take the punishment.

Later some joke on the empty rd at 2:45am for you never know and wait the worst happen and you shal feel guilty for the rest of your life.

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  • SRC Member

The car was also travelling in a straight road and ... the lady was crossing the road at the rear of the bus .....

But don't worry so much .. your case not as serious . I got mime 6 point demerit 5 years back when I dashed red light .. I learned mime. Later, They change the demerit points for dashing red light.

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  • SRC Member
which is why I said, there are many jokers who are blessed with the gift of appearing instantaenously on the roads. probability of them being kan chiong spider types are 1/3.

wah lauz,nowadays the police volvo damn hiong.some time back i was travelling towards town(going to ######) via CTE,i was following this really fast wrx when out of a sudden,i saw a very very very fast moving vehicle chiong all the way from way back and he tailgated me,then i saw it was a freakin volvo.kaoz,i thought he wanna race man,tailgated me damn closely(i could see the policeman's face in my rear view)then he blared his siren then i thought "first u wanna race,den u wanna catch me" :angry: ,how i know when i switched lane he chiong towards the wrx...dun really noe what happened after that.that volvo must be travelling at least at 180km/h,cuz i think he braked really hard in order to not rear end me...

erm,can i enrol in the police force and specifically ask to be in the highway patrol team??? :evil::evil::evil:

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  • SRC Member

Well, speeding kills according to study, however they have forgotten that very minium # of case invole in road accdient ( esp in Singapore ) is very low.

There are a lot of other factors,

Just a few day, I was driving back from town back to my home on CTE, near AMK Ave 1 toward SLE, one motorbike took over me from right ( I was on the right most lane, and I am travelling about 99Km, just guess how fase he was riding ), and I saw same motorbike @ AMK 5 CTE, he was riding like 60km/hr, one hand riding and another hand is sending SMS, on busy road , busy time 7PM week day.

So what, SMSing while driving is would say lot safer than SMSing while riding ( 2 wheels vs 4 wheels , body .... )

Speeding ? Hmm gusee, Even dirving at 50km can kill ppl also.

Now a day modem car are created for high speed, so does tyres , break, as long as u r alert, your equ are created for high speed, u should be able to avoid.

However, I suggest not to speed on SG as it's so small and don't forget every 3 Light Pole, there is one camera :D u don't need to be fortune teller to tell what it is about.

Your car good ? Can speed, Good driver and want to test out your skill ?

Than I suggest to go to Germany, say u can't afford than alternate to Germany in Asia is Thailand.

Thailand highway is Freeway so u could drive as fast as u could as long as u know what is ur limit ( car, tyre, break, urself ).

Now u know why I always like to drive my car to Thailand every here and than :D

I was crusing at 210Km/hr and suddenly I saw police car in front of me. What happen u guess, in SG, ur license GONE, in MY ur 2 x 50RM notes fly, in TH ......

the police car give way and say HI , such a lovely police :D

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Well, speeding kills according to study, however they have forgotten that very minium # of case invole in road accdient ( esp in Singapore ) is very low.

then how many deaths do you want to have on the roads before you declare it a national emergency? surely one death is too many already.

as long as you are alert? I'm sorry but I don't advocate that. the only reason why I don't is because Murphys Law plays a very *and I mean VERY* big part when it comes to driving. you MAY be ALERT and be blessed with spidey senses...but the other soul most probably doesn't have the same skills.

you may be the next up and coming Michael Schumacher, but the other person may be a guy who can't even win a car race even if given a five minute headstart on a six minute long circuit.

its called DEFENSIVE driving, and you must always practice it whilst in the small confined areas of Singapore.

and the cameras on every three light poles are monitoring cameras with no speed detection capabilities.

before running the risk of sounding like an old record gone out of tune, the bottom line in Singapore is a little less speed, more distance. what is the point in speeding? will it get you to Bishan faster than the other bugger who wants to go to Bishan? will that few extra seconds in reaching Bishan earlier due to speed and reckless driving bring you any advantage?

please go reflect. I get very peeved when I meet such drivers.

no offence/not gunning down anybody. just sharing my side of the coin.

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  • SRC Member

some Police volvos will ask u to help them push the guy in front . see if he races. he will off headlights n follow u . when u turn on and high beam u suddenly . cut out to the other lane he will get the guy in front

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  • SRC Member

Join the fast and furious club..

People speed from time to time.. NOT EVERYTIME...

I think spidie here just got his license and was too excited over his new found hobby and thrill (who know speeding was fun when you dunn drive?)..

Let it be a lesson learnt, instead of trying to wiggle out of it, take it with a pinch of salt.. Let it be a painful lesson. If you want to risk your life, risk the public's life, risk the TP who is holding the speed camera's life, and if you do get caught, you just have to take responsibility. SAF rule 7.. You can do anything in SAF.. But dunn get caught..

It will hurt, but from it we learn, we'll mature.

One last word..

Even professional race car drivers crash their car on racing tracks sometimes.. some of them live to tell their tales, some don't..



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