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My new & truly nano tank!


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lolllllll ... really frag it arr :huh: pass me one then..... :lol:

In exchange for a red yuma frag? :lol: Anyway DeepBlue>>> Did those yumas give out some brown slime like brown jelly disease while infected? Currently mine looks clean..no slime..only that the stretched part looks a lil bleached.. :unsure:

Always something more important than fish.


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Hmmm..lots of current + Lots of sand stirring + Lots of food (including frozen zooplankton) = forest of blue flowers. :yeah: Hopefully this guy continue to do well.. and grow.. :ph34r:


Always something more important than fish.


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Bro you fragging the tricolour yuma///!! Wanna Sell me the frag??!! :eyebrow:

Btw, my handphone crashed four days back and had just got it back from Nokia care. All contacts wipe out, need you to send me a sms...thank you..




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Sigh...so tired after work..and later today morning have to work although it's a sunday... :( Oh well..things you do for your hobby.. :rolleyes: . People who are into stamps can drop by to suntec exhibition hall 602 for stamp exhibition..I'm working there. :)

Decided to do some updates

On 27th Aug (Fri)....went to the shops in lavender area..bought 2 gobies that have the habit of swimming upside down.. :yeah: And 1 neon eviota.. :yeah: Reached home..dumped the bags in my sump. Went to bathe. Upon coming out around 10 mins later, spotted the neon eviota out of water! It was trapped at the corner of the bag.. :( Dumped it into my tank. No gill movement, not a single movement which indicated some form of survival. Decided to leave it drifting in the tank as food for my sallylightfoots. Today...switched on my tank lights...and its swimming around like it just got resurrected! :blink:

28 Aug (Sat)..after work..spent 4 hours to fix up my pipings..In the end I did'nt glue properly and it started to leak. Left my tank return pump and lights off. Applied generous amounts of pvc glue on the outside at all the joints before I went to bed. Was talking to a fellow reefer today. He advised me to actually pull apart the pipings by force (since it has leaked it should be quite easy to pull apart as suggested by him). So I brought home some silicon and more pvc glue just in case. Went home...ran the return pump again to recirculate the "stale" water in my sump and main tank. Surprisingly...the piping did'nt leak this time. Decided to leave it as it is and see how it is in the morning. So far been running for about 2 hours with no signs of leak. Hopefully I don't discover a flooded living room in the morning. Oh well...below is a pic of my "toilet-paper leak test". :nc: Ignore the messy wiring..no time to tidy up.. too tired..Sigh..


Always something more important than fish.


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apply more of the pvc pipe glue day by day...from my experince, pvc pipe glue will form a thick layer of hard resin once dried...so by appying a layer each day will reinforce the join...but it also means that there's no way u can dismantle it next time...

next time when u are joining pipes like tat, apply the glue on the pipe and also the internal of the pipe fitting...as u are joining them together, instead of pushing it straight in, twist it and push it in slowly..this will ensure that all the contact area will be filled with the pvc glue...i learnt this from benz...and it is really very very effective..apply more glue that u require, any excess just wipe off with tissue...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
Hmmm..lots of current + Lots of sand stirring + Lots of food (including frozen zooplankton) = forest of blue flowers. :yeah: Hopefully this guy continue to do well.. and grow.. :ph34r:

:peace: This is beautiful! Where did you get that? Oh my..

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