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Hammer dying.

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  • SRC Member

A few weeks ago i moved my moon coral to a spot right beside my hammer.

didn't know it would be able to sting it.

just 2-3 days ago, the polyps at the back of the hammer started receeding so i moved the moon away from the hammer, and today it just "melted" into transparent brown slime.

guys please help me with the problem,

1) tell me what to do with it and how?

2) do i have to frag it? if so how is it done?

3) if not what medication? iodine dip?


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  • SRC Member

thanks for the replies guys. i've been checking the whole day.

wow. hang on. saw off? :o

the dead part?

how? :blink:

please help?

don't want to end up killing it. its one of my favourite corals. :P

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  • SRC Member

You can saw off the dead portion - maybe you leave abit of clearance about 1cm -- just to be on safe side as mime is branch type not like yours.. .. I have saw off quite a few pieces already.. now one of them initially left with 1 to 2 cm of polyp have 2 new branches and another one with 5 branches now with 9 branches..

Let me know how it work out :D

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  • SRC Member

if i'm not wrong, fragging branch LPS and these kind is done differently.

fragging this kind of hammer is similar to fragging bubbles i think.

anyone with experience can share how its done? ;)

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  • SRC Member
Oh really ! My apology then. But I guess you still need some kind of cutting or sawing no matter what otherwise how to frag ;)


just fragged it. the dead part stinks!

will monitor its progress and pray it recovers.

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  • SRC Member
frag that part? somehow looks impossible..

i lost tons of hammers due to this problem.. now dont dare to add hammer until i know why..

i took the hammer out, made sure the polyps were closed, took a hammer and chisel, and fragged the smelly dead part off.

washed away the smelly brown jelly with old tank water and put it back into the tank.

this morning the polyps extended fully again. hope the hammer gets better.

according to rumor(one of the mods), it is a bacterial infection which is already present in the water and will start affecting a coral only when it is rotting. so in my case, the moon stinging it triggered it off and the infection started spreading.

usually there is no chance of survival for the hammers like mine(no branches). this is due to the calcium structure, making it hard to frag. Rumor told me that actually he thought that its not possible to frag it and hence it cannot be saved.

will take pics of it tonight and see if it has recovered or the brown jelly disease is still there. ;)

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  • SRC Member
something like that happened to my hammer too...so i took it out and smell it....to my surprise, it doesn't stink...i know how bad it stinks cos i've got 1st hand experience...

does it mean that if it doesn't stink, its ok?? thanks...

i think if it doesn't stink then it should be another disease, not brown jelly. ;)

ask the other more experienced guys here.

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