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My New Sohal Tang Pic

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A fowlr tank? if not the king or queen angel willgrow real big and chomp away at your corals..... :angry:

BTW...read in the magazine how fierce a queen angel can be....the writer discribe that his suoer mean queen could not tolerate any other fish (like LUohan), it caught hold of the big lionfish and slamed it against the glass...killing it....violent!!!!! :shock::shock:

yes a fowlr tank and no way I will put a queen in a reef :shock: Wow , DB it seems like the Queen is like from WWF with what it did to the lionfish :D I think it didn't get a title for nothing. :yeah:

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Dont think you can mix a King and Queen Angel together peacefully unless you have a humongous tank. One will become dominant and be intolerant of the other.

Queen + French pairing will work better. Tried it before, but both dieded after a terrible Velvet outbreak... Argh~

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Dont think you can mix a King and Queen Angel together peacefully unless you have a humongous tank. One will become dominant and be intolerant of the other.

Queen + French pairing will work better. Tried it before, but both dieded after a terrible Velvet outbreak... Argh~

:whistle sorry to hear that though! They are both beautiful fishes and it must have been a real heartache. Yes , I am thinking of upgrading to a larger tank because I am totally into Angels and Tangs/Surgeons. They're just amazing fishes :D Thanks for the advice I didn't know that the queen had a reputation of being aggressive. They seem so elegant and dignified :lol: appreciate the knowledge!

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:D I think you can decide and keep a large angel as the centre piece in your large tank with many fast swimming tangs ard...will be a great sight...!!!! :)

But watch that bioload and the compatibility of the tangs :D

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:D I think you can decide and keep a large angel as the centre piece in your large tank with many fast swimming tangs ard...will be a great sight...!!!! :)

But watch that bioload and the compatibility of the tangs :D

certainly will do DB , after discussing this , I'm going to do just that! :yeah: I already have a 4 footer ;) I think I'm getting greedy at this. I gotta get a 6 at least with a good depth! :whistle I can't wait. I'll post the pic once I get this done. Thanks DB for the inspiration! I agree it'll certainly be a sight to behold. :D

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:D I think you can decide and keep a large angel as the centre piece in your large tank with many fast swimming tangs ard...will be a great sight...!!!! :)

But watch that bioload and the compatibility of the tangs :D

Maybe a 3000gallon tank............. That will be cool......... BTW french is a hardy and beautiful angel, but too bad it is way to big for me............ BTW i love personifer and cortez angel

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A fowlr tank? if not the king or queen angel willgrow real big and chomp away at your corals..... :angry:

BTW...read in the magazine how fierce a queen angel can be....the writer discribe that his suoer mean queen could not tolerate any other fish (like LUohan), it caught hold of the big lionfish and slamed it against the glass...killing it....violent!!!!! :shock::shock:

Eh btw my king don't bother my coral at all

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For FOWLR tank, I think keep a few Golden Buttleflies, 1-2 tangs (Naso and Sohal) and 1-2 angels (Blueface and Rock Beauty) good enough. All big enough and got character and colour.

Pardon for dreaming cos I have a reef tank and wife will not allow another tank in the house.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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For FOWLR tank, I think keep a few Golden Buttleflies, 1-2 tangs (Naso and Sohal) and 1-2 angels (Blueface and Rock Beauty) good enough. All big enough and got character and colour.

Pardon for dreaming cos I have a reef tank and wife will not allow another tank in the house.

For me..... if i ahve a 3000gallon tank, i will have 6 adult naso vlamingii, 3 ###### naso, 1 personifer angel, 1 cortez angel, many anthias(diff kind) and a small school of powder blue tang

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its been 2 weeks...my sohal is finally trying to eat something.....

I think he miss Henry's gourmet at ML....my wife's Kole has the same problem....they are having too good a meal..now trying to coax them to eat pellets, flakes, brine shrimps, nori..............(getting desperate)

guys...any suggestion...won't mess up tank....and delicious like Henry's gourmet


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its been 2 weeks...my sohal is finally trying to eat something.....

I think he miss Henry's gourmet at ML....my wife's Kole has the same problem....they are having too good a meal..now trying to coax them to eat pellets, flakes, brine shrimps, nori..............(getting desperate)

guys...any suggestion...won't mess up tank....and delicious like Henry's gourmet

Wow nice tangs.... just love sohal so much

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DB , Thanks alot! :D I've attached a pic of my Mimic Tang (Acanthurus Pyroferus) doing real well. Looks like I have to get an 8 footer! :lol: DA , thanks for the price of the King which is really pricy for a juvenile but worth it , I agree!

nah king angel price are like this therefore i think that it is worth it :D:D:D

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its been 2 weeks...my sohal is finally trying to eat something.....

I think he miss Henry's gourmet at ML....my wife's Kole has the same problem....they are having too good a meal..now trying to coax them to eat pellets, flakes, brine shrimps, nori..............(getting desperate)

guys...any suggestion...won't mess up tank....and delicious like Henry's gourmet

Woah! Nice tank DB! :whistle Actually the Sohal shouldn't have a problem feeding though but you need to train them on a certain food at a time. Brine shrimp is always very hard to resist! :lol: You can soak the nori and tear it into tiny bits but don't throw in alot just a single piece at a time to see if they nip on it. They may take it in and then throw it out but don't be dishearten. ;) My Sohal just loves it now and he can't stop rushing for the pellets that I throw in too. The Sohal is one of the fastest fish that I know who could adapt to all kinds of food given. When fishes are weaned on a certain diet it takes some patience to except other varieties. Try and do the same with the Kole , eventually they will need to feed on the other goodies you throw in. My fishes were so use to brine shrimp and vegetables that they refuse to take anything esle but now they're simple begging for variety! :lol:

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Woah! Nice tank DB! :whistle Actually the Sohal shouldn't have a problem feeding though but you need to train them on a certain food at a time. Brine shrimp is always very hard to resist! :lol: You can soak the nori and tear it into tiny bits but don't throw in alot just a single piece at a time to see if they nip on it. They may take it in and then throw it out but don't be dishearten. ;) My Sohal just loves it now and he can't stop rushing for the pellets that I throw in too. The Sohal is one of the fastest fish that I know who could adapt to all kinds of food given. When fishes are weaned on a certain diet it takes some patience to except other varieties. Try and do the same with the Kole , eventually they will need to feed on the other goodies you throw in. My fishes were so use to brine shrimp and vegetables that they refuse to take anything esle but now they're simple begging for variety! :lol:

Yup my ex sohal eat like crazy

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remember the transparent bos I have with an opening?sliding type...I tied a string to the top....like fishing...when fish go in to nip at my prata or prawn....I let go of the string and the DUNGEON GATE closes...bua ha ha ....got it. :evil:

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remember the transparent bos I have with an opening?sliding type...I tied a string to the top....like fishing...when fish go in to nip at my prata or prawn....I let go of the string and the DUNGEON GATE closes...bua ha ha ....got it. :evil:

Ah tried this method only manage to catch my eel

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let the plastic container stay there for a few days...put in food...leave the fishes to go in and nip or eat...dun frighten them.....once their guard are down few days later....can start the waiting game then...patience is the key...took me an hour to fish my blue face out :D

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