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My New Sohal Tang Pic

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3v|L,Aug 21 2003, 04:17 PM] nice sohal deep blue..

looks like u have lotsa tangs.. how big is ur tank? :P

My tank is 4FT with a curved front ..... :)


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3v|L,Aug 21 2003, 07:23 PM] nice.. whats that white thing inside the small quarantine box??

oh...currently, I put 2 red pratas inside. with a plastic sheet.....protect from the blue face angel (like to nip at them) I am trying to catch..wan to keep him in a fowlr tank. The box has help me catch a few fishes so far...quite effective :D

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Deepblue. may I know where did u get that see-thru quarantine box.

Very interesting...DIY?

I think can get easilyat Serangoon or most LFS.... :)

ya...I used to keep my new fishes inside, slowly introduced them into the tank, now, I get my LS from very good LFs who wil keep the fishes for me for a while, quarantined and feed them for a while before I pick them up... :rolleyes:

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Do you have any advise about Achilles Tang.

I just bought one yesterday. Since it is expensive,

I would like to know every details how to look after it.

You seems like expert about tang huh. :idea:

Any particullar food he prefer ?

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Hey dajavu! I thought I saw that post 3 times......

Anyway...archillies Tang....not easy to keep at all...their main diet is very much different from normal tangs....not just algae....I think it is detritus.... will check it up and post the details later

AT & Tanzy can give solid info as well ;)

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Do you have any advise about Achilles Tang.

I just bought one yesterday. Since it is expensive,

I would like to know every details how to look after it.

You seems like expert about tang huh. :idea:

Any particullar food he prefer ?

Sugi , Achilles Tang is very prone to "white spots" so the first thing you have to be careful about are your water parameters. It's a beautiful but expensive fish so they need the best care possible. Tangs and surgeons need alot water circulation in their tank and kept well fed. All tangs and surgeons need a stable vegetable supplement in their diet with leafy greens and nori will help together with a combination of live brine shrimp and pellets once it starts feeding properly. :)

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Hey dajavu! I thought I saw that post 3 times......

Anyway...archillies Tang....not easy to keep at all...their main diet is very much different from normal tangs....not just algae....I think it is detritus.... will check it up and post the details later

AT & Tanzy can give solid info as well ;)

sorry about the posting. :unsure: it seems theres something wrong with my server. A thousand apologies to everyone. :)

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Achilles tangs have an aggressive nature, sensitivity to disease, need for pristine water.

Maintenance difficulty: This fish is fairly difficult to keep. They seem to be more delicate than other tangs.

Maintenance: It is important that you feed Tangs a good variety of live, frozen, and prepared formula foods with emphasis in vegetable and spirulina. Best to feed small amounts several times a day for the best variety of food for the tang...your success with the fish will be much better!

Habitat: Found throughout the Pacific ocean mostly in reefs.

Foods: Mainly found grazing on algae. Will accept brine shrimp, mysis, plankton, and krill.

Social Behaviours: Usually found singly, they form territories in shallow water areas of a reef. In the aquarium the can get territorial especially if another tang is in the tank with an already established tang.

Light: Found in areas with sunlight so it would appreicate as much light as possible.

Length of fish: Adults can grow to 10 inches.

Minimum Tank Size: A minimum 75 gallon aquarium I recommended. Be prepared, this guy gets quite large!

Water Movement: No special requirements here.

Water Region: Swims all over the aquarium snf likr most tangs has it's choosen territory.

Found info in the net.....

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where can buy yr clown fish....is it queen trigger clown??? :erm:

this is just a normal clarks clown....if you wan similar ones..but seldom get here version...go to ML in hong Leong...their sri lanka shipment came in with lots o beautiful ones....big ones also not more than 10 bucks...

by the way....wat's a queen trigger clown????? :whistle

Trigger Queen - my wife ID

Queen trigger fish - a kind of trigger

Maroon clown???? :D:D:D

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Do you have any advise about Achilles Tang.

I just bought one yesterday. Since it is expensive,

I would like to know every details how to look after it.

You seems like expert about tang huh. :idea:

Any particullar food he prefer ?

Pls read up more on tangs requirement........... You have just got yourself one of the toughest tang to keep.......... Since you got it, ok achilles tang are very prone to ich, thus prevention is needed for example frozen stuff soak with garlic......... And snce it is a tang, vegetable requirment for tang is a must therefore suggest you read up on the forum, product review under AT's nori thread, there he will tell you how to prepare nori for your tangs................ Imo achilles tang need excellent water quality and BTW achilles are fierce atng so keep that in mind

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Ah you manage to put 2 angel together... How long you have them???? Watch out adult angel are very territorial :D:D:D

I had them about coming to a year now and theres another Majestic angel together with my emperor and blue face together. They just chase around one another but no real damage is done. My blue face is the bully in the tank but it seems to have accepted it's other 2 cousins. I intend on introducing a juvenile blue ring angel but it has to be slightly bigger then my blue face a bit.


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I once put my majestic and blueface in............................boy the poor majestic(slightly smaller ) was abused.

I think your j. bluering goes in....even if it is bigger.....it will be still be harressed by the established one....

I tried this recently with my purple tang, famous for being very aggressive....I placed a mirror in front of the tank....she was practically glued to the mirror the whole night...so I could introduce my kole in.....dun know that works with angels???

Anyway...after a couple of days.....she has accepted the Kole... :)

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I once put my majestic and blueface in............................boy the poor majestic(slightly smaller ) was abused.

I think your j. bluering goes in....even if it is bigger.....it will be still be harressed by the established one....

I tried this recently with my purple tang, famous for being very aggressive....I placed a mirror in front of the tank....she was practically glued to the mirror the whole night...so I could introduce my kole in.....dun know that works with angels???

Anyway...after a couple of days.....she has accepted the Kole... :)

Hey , thats a good idea what you did with the mirror thing! :idea: I think I need to try that when I try and introduce my J.Bluering. I know it's kind a risky introducing these angels one by one but I'm glad the three that I have don't seem to be doing any real damage to one another. :whistle

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A fowlr tank? if not the king or queen angel willgrow real big and chomp away at your corals..... :angry:

BTW...read in the magazine how fierce a queen angel can be....the writer discribe that his suoer mean queen could not tolerate any other fish (like LUohan), it caught hold of the big lionfish and slamed it against the glass...killing it....violent!!!!! :shock::shock:

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